1967-1977 Good Ol' Days

  • Business response to events

    The Vietnam war affected the economy as bad as World War 2 affected it. Their was a poor economic management during the war which made it even worse. Because of the draft, peoples husbands and dads went out, which resulted in jobs being lost, and people unable to afford food, clothes, and shelter. Taxes were going to be recommended to pay for the war, but was declined as the economic issues that would've came out were worse. In the end, businesses were destroyed. homes were lost and so forth.
  • Economy Health

    In 1967, there possibly could've been another recession. The Federal Reserve sensed a slow down and eased the policy in Spring. In 1970, the inflation rates were the highest they have ever been. interest rates were around 20%. Towards the end of the Vietnam war, there was a greater inflation rate. The economy begin to emerge from the small recession in Spring 1975.
  • Government

    Martin Luther King Jr. denounced the Vietnam War. A tornado hurts over 500 people and killing over 30. The Soviet Union signs a treaty with the U.S that bans nuclear weapons from outer space. The twenty fifth amendment is added to the constitution. Multiple race riots break out which kills over 35 people.
  • American Families

    Labor Shortages prevented people from eating, having clean clothes, and more. The Vietnam War was still happening, and young men were drafted. Out of the 27 million possible draftees, 2 million were Poor men and working class men were the most likely to get drafted.