
  • Rubiks Cube Becomes Popular

  • Pac Man was Released

    First released in Japan in 1980 as an arcade game, Pac Man was growing more and more popular. With its growing popularity it made its way to be released in america,
  • John Lennon Assasination

    This day marks the day John Lennon was shot in the back twice when he was just outside his apartment. The news was confirmed by ABC New's as well as John Lennon died 10 minutes before his arival to the Roosevelt hospital.
  • New Plaue Identified as AIDs

  • Ted Turner Establishes CNN

  • Personal Computers (PC)'s establish as AIDS

  • ET Movie Released

  • Michael Jackson Introduces "Thriller"

  • Sally Ride Becomes First American Woman in Space

  • PG-13 Rating Crearwd

  • Hole In Ozone Layer Discovered

  • Terrorists Hijack Terrorist TWA Flight 447

  • Wreck of Titanic Found

  • Space Shuttle "Chalanger" explodes

  • Berlin Wall Falls

  • US Bombs Lybia

  • USSR Launches MIR Space Station