1968 Timeline

By smccabe
  • TET Offensive

    TET Offensive
    The TET Offensive was a series of attacks by the North Vietnamese on the South Vietnamese. The United States and the South Vietnamese were able to fight off the attacks, but the American people were angry at the American military that these attacks happened.
  • Mr. Scully's Birth

    Mr. Scully's Birth
    The birth of Mr. Scully is one of the most important events of the year, because Mr. Scully was probably the most influential person born in 1968.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    The My Lai Massacre was when American soldiers went into a Vietnamese village and brutally killed most of the people living there. The people in the village were sadly just normal, unarmed, people, not soldiers.
  • LBJ announcement to not seek re-election

    LBJ announcement to not seek re-election
    Lyndon B. Johnson's announcement that he would not run for president again shocked everyone. He thought that there was too much of a division in the opinions of people in the American government, and chose to not run again.
  • MLK Assassination

    MLK Assassination
    Martin Luther King Jr. was assassination when somebody shot him while he was on the balcony of the hotel he was staying at in Memphis. He was one of the leaders of the civil rights movement, and a big inspiration for all of the African-Americans fighting for freedom.
  • RFK Assassination

    RFK Assassination
    Robert F. Kennedy a presidential candidate, and he was shot in his hotel in Los Angeles. He had gained lots of support during his presidential campaign, and had received the nomination for the democratic party before he was killed.
  • Protests at the Chicago Democratic Convention

    Protests at the Chicago Democratic Convention
    The protests at the Chicago Democratic Convention were because of the Vietnam war. The counterculture movement was responsible for these protests, which lasted for eight days. The police fought against the protestors.
  • Black Power Olympic Protest

    Black Power Olympic Protest
    Tommie Smith and John Carlos raised their fists with black gloves on during the American national anthem in the 200 meter sprint medal ceremony. The protest was to bring attention to the how bad it was for African-Americans living in America.
  • Nixon Election Victory

    Nixon Election Victory
    Richard Nixon beat Hubert Humphrey to become the president of the United States. Nixon was an important president because of his role in the Vietnam War. As president, he promised to defeat the North Vietnamese and end the war.
  • Apollo 8 Orbiting the Moon

    Apollo 8 Orbiting the Moon
    Apollo 8 was the first spacecraft to reach the moon and orbit it. There were three astronauts on the spacecraft. The photograph was taking of the Earth from the spacecraft.