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Announcement of a presidential candidate
Senator John F. Kenedy announces that he will be running for presidency. His opponent was Republican Richard Nixon. Kennedy's campain revolved around the pledge to "get the country moving again" whereas Richard Nixon wanted to keep the policies that Dwight D. Eisenhower had established. -
Woolworth's sit in.
Four African American collage students sat at Woolworth's whites only lunch counter in Greensboro NC. They politely asked to be served but they were refused. They were then asked to leave but they continued to sit patiently in their seats. This sparked the idea for the civil rights movement to be peaceful so it would not give people more of a reason to be for segregation. -
Trios I is launched
The first successful weather satillite was This allowed the weather to be monitored on a regular basis. The satillite was designed to obtain pictures of clouds so the weather could be observed. -
U2 Incident
An American U2 plane was shot down while spying on the Soviet Union. Dwight D. Eisenhower was very upset by this event. In order to get back Francis Gary Powers, the pilot, from the Soviet Union, they had to trade a captured Soviet Spy. -
The Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (LASER)
The LASER was invented In 1960 Theodore H. Maiman invented the first functioning LASER. He used an artificially constructed ruby to create the LASER. It is supposidly the first successful optical laser but there is controversy that a man named Gordon Gould was the first. (Misc) -
Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho was Released
Psycho was one of the most popular horror films of the time. It was Alfred Hitchcock's first psychological thriller. It is about a women who leaves town and is murdered at a motel and her boyfriend and her sister have to figure out what happened to her. -
The U.S. Launches the Discoverer XIV
The discoverer XIV was the first American, camera-equipped spy satellite was launched. -
First Paralympics were Held
The first paralympics were held from September 18-25 of 1960. The paralympics are the olympics for people with physical disabilities. -
The First Presidential Debate on Television
The First presidential debate that aired on teleision was between Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy. John F. Kennedy seemed to have the upperhand in this debate which is why many believe that he won because of this broadcast. Kennedy showed up to the debate looking well groomed and presentable while Nixon showed up to the debate after being released from the hospital for a knee injury and did not look very nice.This caused viewers to pay attention to what the candidate looked like not the words. -
Bill Mazeroski Wins the 1960s World Series
The 1960s World Series was against the Pitzberg Pirates and the New York Yankees. On the 7th game in the 9th inning Bill Mazeroski hit a home run that one the game for the Pitzburg Pirates. -
Kennedy is elected president
It was a very close race for Republican Richard Nixon an Democrat John F. Kennedy but in the end, Kennedy won. John F. Kennedy became the youngest president in the United States. Many believe Kennedy won because of how he appeared on tv. Nixon took every chance that he got to say that Kennedy was to young to lead the country even though he was only a few years older than him. But in the end Kennedy beat Nixon and became the new president.