• Period: to

    President Dwight D. Eisenhower (34th President)

  • Warsaw Pact

  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

  • Federal-Aid Highway Act

  • National Motto - In God We Trust

  • Civil Rights Act

  • Sputnik 1 Launched

  • NASA Founded

  • Alaska Becomes A State

  • Hawaii Becomes A State

  • Civil Rights Act

  • Period: to

    President John F. Kennedy (35th President)

  • 23rd Amendment

  • The Bay of Pigs Invasion

  • John Glenn Orbits The Earth

  • Trade Expansion Act

  • Cuban Missile Crisis

  • Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

  • March on Washington

  • John F Kennedy Assassination

  • Period: to

    President Lyndon B. Johnson (36th President)

  • 24th Amendment

  • Civil Rights Act

  • Economic Opportunity Act

  • Malcolm X Assassination

  • Immigration and Nationality Act

  • Medicare and Medicaid Enacted

  • Voting Rights Act

  • Watts Riots

  • Higher Education Act

  • First Super Bowl

  • 25th Amendment

  • Department of Transportation

  • Detroit Riot

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination

  • Civil Rights Act

  • Robert F. Kennedy Assassination

  • Apollo 8 Launched

  • Period: to

    President Richard Nixon (37th President)

  • Stonewall Riots

  • Apollo 11

  • Ken State Shooting

  • Jackson State Shooting

  • 26th Amendment

  • OSHA Founded

  • Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty

  • Apollo 17

  • Paris Peace Accord

  • Skylab - First Space Station

  • Super Outbreak of Tornadoes

  • The House Votes to Impeach President

  • President Nixon Resigns

  • Period: to

    President Gerald Ford (38th President)

  • Trans-Alaska Pipeline System

  • Microsoft Founded

  • Ford 1st Assassination Attempt

  • Ford 2nd Assassination Attempt