
  • Disneyland Opens

    Disneyland Opens
    Walt Disney opened his theme park in Anaheim, California in 1955 with 13 attractions.
  • Rosa Parks Refuses to Give Up Bus Seat

    Rosa Parks Refuses to Give Up Bus Seat
    On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a black woman, refused to give up her seat to a white male in Alabama. She was arrested that day but made a huge difference in the Civil Rights movement by standing up for herself.
  • Explorer I launched

    Explorer I launched
    In January of 1958, the United States launched its first space satellite.
  • Alaska Becomes 49th State

    Alaska Becomes 49th State
    President Eisenhower accepted Alaska as the 49th state and the largest.
  • Hawaii Becomes 50th State

    Hawaii Becomes 50th State
    Eisenhower admitted Hawaii as the 50th state. It is one of the smallest, made up of islands and volcanoes.
  • United States Flag Created

    United States Flag Created
    The United States flag was created in July 1960 after the US was completed with Hawaii.
  • John F. Kennedy Elected

    John F. Kennedy Elected
    Democrat John F. Kennedy won the election against Republican Richard Nixon in1960.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    The Kennedy Administration launched the Bay of Pigs invasion to defeat Fidel Castro. This failed and the US quickly surrendered.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis Begins

    Cuban Missile Crisis Begins
    The Cuban Missile Crisis began between the US and USSR when the US discovered Soviet missiles in Cuba. The US sent a blockade around Cuba in response. This turned into a 13 day standoff until the nations agreed for US not to invade Cuba and USSR to remove missiles from cuba.
  • I Have a Dream Speech

    I Have a Dream Speech
    Martin Luther King gave his speech by the Lincoln memorial in Washington, DC during the Civil Rights Movement where 200,000 people participated.
  • Kennedy Assassinated

    Kennedy Assassinated
    While parading through Dallas, TX, John F Kennedy was Assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald. Vice President Lyndon B Johnson was sworn in that evening.
  • Martin Luther King Assassinated

    Martin Luther King Assassinated
    On April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memphis TN at a motel by James Earl Ray.
  • First Moon Landing

    First Moon Landing
    On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin became the first men to land on the moon, and Armstrong the first to step foot on the moon.
  • Richard Nixon Resigns

    Richard Nixon Resigns
    After convicted of covering the Watergate Scandal and losing all his support, Richard Nixon resigned from office in 1974 and Gerald Ford was sworn in.
  • Watergate Trial Ends

    Watergate Trial Ends
    Several men were discovered to have burglarized and broke into a democratic office before the election. On January 1, 1975, all of these men were found guilty. The covering up of this issue was also what caused Nixon a lot of turmoil.