
  • Atomic bombing in Japan

    "March 1945 the bombing of Japan was intensified. Authorisation for the firebombing of Japanese cities was given by General Curtis LeMay."(Mark Clapson)
  • World War II ends

    "World War II The meaning of World War II is still elusive for the japanese people. Even today, the war projects conflicting self-images of Japan in the various battlefields of Asia and the Pacific" (YUKIKO KOSHIRO)
  • Germany surenders

    "In May 1945, Germany surrendered uncondi- tionally to the United States, the Soviet Union, and the United King- dom."(James Dobbins, John G. McGinn, Keith Crane, Seth G. Jones, Rollie Lal, Andrew Rathmell, Rachel Swanger, Anga Timilsina)
  • Roosevelt dies

    "...sudden death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt on April
    12, 1945, shortly after his inauguration"(Herman Bateman)
  • Marshal plan launched

    "The Marshall Plan was publicly launched in a speech by the American Secretary of
    State at Harvard University on 5 June 1947. Marshall put forward the idea of a US
    programme to aid European recovery, reconstruct" (Geoffrey Robberts)
  • Korean war

    "THE KOREAN WAR (1950 -53) was a unique crisis in the Cold War. The joint American-Russian occupation of Korea, a former Japan- ese colony, at the end of World War II"
  • 22 Amendment passed

    "The Twenty-second Amendment was
    passed during the administration of Harry
    Truman, who did not play any role in the
    proposal and ratification of the amendment." (Paul Davis)
  • Eisenhower becomes president

    "In 1952 Dwight D. Eisenhower entered politics and scored an impressive victory in the presidential campaign." (Jacobs T.)
  • Korean war ends

    "the Korean War ended on 27 July 1953" (John Blaxman)