

  • Middle of Great Depression and beginning of the Dust Bowl Drought

    Middle of Great Depression and beginning of the Dust Bowl Drought
  • Hoover Dam completed

    Hoover Dam completed
  • 1932

    Inflation 1$
    CCI was not invented
    CPI was 13.642
    Real GDP 828 trillion dollars
    GDP per capita 475.44
    Unemployment rate 23.6$
    Very low time in the business cycle (trough)
    2% federal discount rate
    used expansionary fiscal policies
    taxed the wealthy 75% with progressive taxes
  • End of Dust Bowl Drought

    End of Dust Bowl Drought
  • Hindenburg explosion

    Hindenburg explosion
  • 1939

    Inflation 1.01$
    CCI was not invented
    CPI was 13.908
    Real GDP was 1132 trillion dollars
    GDP per capita was 1788.94
    Unemployment rate 17.2%
    Interest rate 2.8%
    Increasing business cycle
  • WWII starts

    WWII starts
  • End of Great Depression

    End of Great Depression
  • 1940

    Inflation was stable at around 1.2%
    The CCI was not invented yet
    The CPI was 13.9
    The GDP was $103,000,000,000
    GDP Per Capita was $10,027
    Unemployment rates were at 14%
    Interest was at 2%
    In decline from the Great Depression then rose near the end of the time period
    Bought bonds and other securities from the wealthy
    Revenue Act raised corporate tax from 19%-33%
  • Bombing of Pearl Harbor

    Bombing of Pearl Harbor
  • WWII ends

    WWII ends
  • Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • 1947

    Inflation was at 2.7%
    The CCI index was not invented
    The CPI was at 23.6
    The GDP was at 250,000,000,000
    the GDP per capita was 14,156
    Unemployment rates were at 3%
    Interest rates were at 2.2%
    Business cycle and economy was still rising from the Great Depression
    The government bought bonds from the wealthy and other securities
  • Cold War starts

    Cold War starts
  • Pact of Friendship between America & Italy

    Pact of Friendship between America & Italy
  • 1948

    Inflation ~ $1.14
    CCI was not invented yet
    CPI ~ 8.1
    GDP ~ 23 trillion
    GDP per Capita ~ 1,872
    Unemployment Rates ~ 3.40%
    Interest Rates ~ 0%
    Business Cycles ~ 0.9
    Monetary Policies ~ was not invented yet
    Fiscal Policies ~ $41,560
  • Bill France founded Stock Car Racing

    Bill France founded Stock Car Racing
  • Tornado swept through Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City destroying many aircraft's and other machinery

    Tornado swept through Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City destroying many aircraft's and other machinery
  • Magic Castle in Disneyland California was built

    Magic Castle in Disneyland California was built
  • 1955

    Inflation ~ $1
    CCI was not invented yet
    CPI ~ -0.4

    GDP ~ 16 trillion
    GDP per Capita ~ 2,574
    Unemployment Rates ~ 4.90%
    Interest Rates ~ 0%
    Business Cycles ~ 0.9
    Monetary Policies ~ 1.29
    Fiscal Policies ~ $65,451.00
  • United States Government agreed to train South Vietnamese troops

    United States Government agreed to train South Vietnamese troops