1929 - 1939 American History Timeline

  • Herbert Hoover Takes Office

    Herbert Hoover Takes Office
  • The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl
    In the Great Plains there was a drought that occured. It caused dust storms and made farming impossible.
  • The Bonus Army

    The Bonus Army
    Between 10,000 and 20,000 WWI veterans (the Bonus Army) went to Washington, D.C. to support a bill going through Congress and meet the president. The group was forced out by using tear gas and other weapons. As a result, president Hoover's image suffered.
  • RFC

    The Reconstruction Finance Corporation could give up to $2 billion for financing for large businesses. It was approved by Congress in hopes of the money reaching the average citizens.
  • Hitler Takes Power

    Hitler Takes Power
    The Great Depression helped Nazis come to power. As a last resort, Germans turned to Hitler. Nazis then became the strongest political party in Germany.
  • FDR Elected (3 terms)

    FDR Elected (3 terms)
    Franklin D. Roosevelt created policies to try and fix the Great Depression, known as the New Deal. Eventually he led Americans into WWII.
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    This program was created to end the Great Depression. It was made by Franklin D Roosevelt.
  • Indian Reorganization Act

    Indian Reorganization Act
    This act helped Indians get their land back after WWI and Improve their lives. After WWI they realized how much they were being discriminated against.
  • Father Coughlin Attacks FDR, Jews.

    Father Coughlin Attacks FDR, Jews.
    Father Coughlin was once in favor od FDR but turned and started to discriminate against him and Jews.
  • Social Security

    Social Security
    This act was created to help older people during the Great Depression.
  • Neutrality Acts

    Neutrality Acts
    These acts prevented the U.S. from selling arms or loans to nations at war. It was created to prevent America from WWII.
  • GM Sit-Down Strike

    GM Sit-Down Strike
    One of the ways workers received better pay was in the sit-down strike. Instead of leaving the plants, they stayed inside and didn't work. This type of strike prevented those against the strike from working and was very effective. Not all strikes were as peaceful. In the Memorial Day Massacre, ten were killed and 84 were injured.
  • Rape Of Nanjing

    Rape Of Nanjing
    This was a mass murder that took place for 6 weeks in Nanjing, China. Civilians and disarmed soldiers were murdered and raped.
  • The Grapes of Wrath

    The Grapes of Wrath
    A book that brought light to problems in the Dust Bowl going on during the Great Depression. It was said that the issues were told in a way the made the problems sound worse. People during this time understood the story very well because similar event were happening in their lives.