1920s and 1930s

By Levi N
  • 1920 Nineteenth Amendment To The Constitution ratified giving women the right to vote. (Political and Social)

    1920 Nineteenth Amendment To The Constitution ratified giving women the right to vote. (Political and Social)
    This amendment finally gave women the right to vote and with this many people become satisfied, but in the years to come, women still felt they were treated unfairly. Years after this they would make more amendments and pass more laws for the women of the United States.
  • 1920 Nineteenth Amendment To The Constitution ratified giving women the right to vote. (Evidence)

    According to History.com, "During America’s early history, women were denied some of the basic rights enjoyed by male citizens. For example, married women couldn’t own property and had no legal claim to any money they might earn, and no female had the right to vote. Women were expected to focus on housework and motherhood, not politics." This law helped the progression of the women's rights movement and was a key factor in the world we have today. This quote shows all things included.
  • Revenue Act slashes income tax on wealthy and corporations (Political and Economic)

    Revenue Act slashes income tax on wealthy and corporations (Political and Economic)
    This made it so that the wealthy and corporations could not make as much or any income tax. This was a big event because it was the beginning of making things more "equal" you could not make so much more money than everyone else by just being wealthy anymore. According to Cambridge "We argue that a primary motive for the tax cuts of the 1920s was the desire to reduce the tax avoidance by wealthier individuals that occurred as a result of the previous tax rate increases." This shows all reasons.
  • The Great Depression Evidence

    According to History.com "The Great Depression was the worst economic downturn in the history of the industrialized world, lasting from 1929 to 1939. It began after the stock market crash of October 1929, which sent Wall Street into a panic and wiped out millions of investors. Over the next several years, consumer spending and investment dropped, causing steep declines in industrial output and employment as failing companies laid off workers."
  • The Great Depression Beginning (Economic)

    The Great Depression Beginning (Economic)
    This was when the market crashed and everyone started losing everything, including homes, food, and families. This continued on in the 1930s, but the reason the stock market crashed was that too many people were borrowing the money that the bank didn't have, and after the bank lost money people couldn't pay back their loans which resulted in the Great Depression.
  • The Dust Bowl (Economic)

    The Dust Bowl (Economic)
    The dust bowl was a time between the years of 1930 and 1936. This was a result of massive amounts of dry crops which produced massive dust storms. This was terrible for the economic state of The United States because farmers could no longer make money because they could not grow their crops, and as a result of this food became scarce. Although it is uncertain what day the dust bowl began we do know that it began in the year 1930.
  • The Dust Bowl (Evidence)

    According to History.com " The Dust Bowl was caused by several economic and agricultural factors, including federal land policies, changes in regional weather, farm economics and other cultural factors. After the Civil War, a series of federal land acts coaxed pioneers westward by incentivizing farming in the Great Plains." I thought this was a good piece of evidence because it shows all the causes of the dust bowl, with a deeper explaing than I gave in my overview.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected (Political)

    Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected (Political)
    When FDR was announced as president immediately he wanted change. Throughout FDR's presidency, he made many changes and got the states back on the road to success. According to History.com "With the country mired in the depths of the Great Depression, Roosevelt immediately acted to restore public confidence, proclaiming a bank holiday and speaking directly to the public in a series of radio broadcasts or “fireside chats.” This goes to sho that through his presidency he did lots to better America
  • Bank Holiday (Economic)

    Bank Holiday (Economic)
    The bank holiday happened a couple of days after FDR became president he did this in hopes to begin to restore the economy. According to Newyorkfed.org "depositors stood in line to return their hoarded cash. This article attributes the success of the Bank Holiday and the remarkable turnaround in the public’s confidence to the Emergency Banking Act, passed by Congress on March 9, 1933." The Bank Holiday along with the Emergency banking act were two of the largest factors in saving the economy.
  • The First New Deal (Social, Economic, Cultural)

    The First New Deal (Social, Economic, Cultural)
    Franklin D. Roosevelt was the president in charge during this time and set in place a plan called "The New Deal". He set in place the three R's (RRR) these stood for "relief, recovery, and reform." His plan was to help our country get out of the depression and back to the great country we are. Everyone was poor at the time and his goal was to help everyone equally. According to History.com " Roosevelt’s New Deal, including the Agricultural Adjustment Administration AAA" The new deal was not all
  • Prohibition Ends & the 21st Amendment (Political and Social))

    Prohibition Ends & the 21st Amendment (Political and Social))
    This is when the 21st amendment is ratified and the prohibition ends making things like alcohol legal again. This was huge and another good way to get the economy back on track. According to History.com "Prohibition, failing fully to enforce sobriety and costing billions, rapidly lost popular support in the early 1930s. In 1933, the 21st Amendment to the Constitution was passed and ratified, ending national Prohibition." This was a very popular choice and led to the legal alcohol he have today.
  • The End Of The Great Depression (Economic, Social, Cultural)

    The End Of The Great Depression (Economic, Social, Cultural)
    The great depression ended right around WWII which sent many men off to the war, with so many people gone our country could recover faster. According to FEE.org "On the surface, World War II seems to mark the end of the Great Depression. During the war, more than 12 million Americans were sent into the military, and a similar number toiled in defense-related jobs." Many people went and helped in the war it gave our country time to replenish what we had lost and succesfully get bck to normal.
  • Disclaimer

    I did as much as I could with evidence and explaining evidence but there is only a certain amount of space you can use. On almost all my time lie I was between 1 and 2 letters from having too much.