
By TJ3130
  • 1921 First Black Female Pilot

    1921 First Black Female Pilot
    A women with the name of Bessie Coleman became the first African-American pilot.
  • Discovery of Insulin

    Discovery of Insulin
    Insulin was first created and tested on dogs' with diabetes and the resulted in lowering to blood sugar levels.
  • King Tuts Tomb was discovered

    King Tuts Tomb was discovered
    Howard Carter was a archeologist who was one of the idviduals who had a step lead in discovering Kind Tut's tomb
  • Time Magazine was Founded

    Time Magazine was Founded
    This first weekly news magazine was created by Britton Haden and Henry Luce.
  • Ford Motor Company

    Ford Motor Company
    Exceeds $1 billion in the market capitalization.
  • First Winter Olympics

    First Winter Olympics
    Started January 25 and went until February 5, 1924
  • Flapper Dresses in Style

    Flapper Dresses in Style
    Flapper image and outfits started to become popular
  • Winne-the-pooh

    Winne the pooh was published
  • Babe Ruth

    Babe Ruth
    Babe ruth makes homerun record
  • Bubble Gum

    Bubble Gum
    Bubble gum was invented
  • Great Depresion

    Great Depresion
    The great depression began