1920's and the Great Depression

  • After the WW1

    Republican, Warren G. Harding was elected President along with Calvin Coolidge as Vice President. Harding is elected president by promising a "return to normacly" and "isolationism".
  • Speakeasies and Bootleggers

    Bootleggers are Criminals who sell illegal alcohol. Speakeasies are illegal bars where a person could find alcohol.
  • Hoover

    Herbert Hoover became president, he was opposed to government interference in business.
  • Farmers

    War time demand and production had allowed farmers to enjoy some prosperity. In trying to meet the needs of WW1, farmers stripped the land in the Midwest and left it damaged by poor farming techniques.
  • The beginning of the Great Depression

    On October 29 was known as Black Tuesday, the stock market crashed. Prices dropped drastically and anybody who had brought stock lost everything.
  • Causes of the Great Depression

    Stock Market Crash,people rushed to withdraw their money banks, and war debt
  • Effects of the Great Depression

    It Increased poverty and homelessness. 1/4 of the nation found themselves employed.
  • Hoovervills

    Homemade villages popped through the nation where the homeless found themselves. Soup kitchens and breadlines provided food for the poor.
  • Bonus Army

    15,000 WW1 veterans marched on Washington DC and demanded early payment of bonuses offered to veterans. Congress refused to give in and Hoover decided to use force when the veterans decided to leave.
  • The New deal

    Roosevelt could believe the country needed the government to provide direct relief. He began to pass a series of legislation and government programs called it The New Deal.
  • Civilian Conservation Corps

    Provided employment for unmarried men between the ages of 17 and 23. They employed nearly 500,000 young men.
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

    Insured the bank deposits up to $250,000 in case of bank failure. The purpose was to prevent people from withdrawing their money out of panic.
  • Social Security Act

    It provides retirement income for all workers once they reach the age of 67
  • Wagner Act

    Raised minimum wage to 40 cents per hour, and ended child labor law under the age of 16.
  • Works Progress Administration

    Provided jobs for unskilled workers in constructing many governments buildings.