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1920's-1940's By: Kodiak, Carly, Alyssa

  • Period: to

    This is the period of 1920's through the 1940's

  • Major events of 1924

    Major events of 1924
    1924 was a crucial year for immigration and citizenship acts in the U.S., introduced by President Calvin Coolidge. On May 26, President Coolidge signed an immigration law that restricted immigration to the United States from other countries, due to the huge influx of immigrants following the end of the First World War. The revenue Act cuts income taxes on wealthy corporations. The tax rate was 1.5%-1.125% if your yearly income was under $4,000.
  • Major events of 1927

    Major events of 1927
    Farnsworth transmitted the first electronic TV image, physicist Heisenberg developed the Uncertainty Principle, and the Harlem Globetrotters took to the road for the first time. The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 was the largest river flood in American history. The 15,000,000th Model T car came off the assembly line at Ford Company. The assembly line was more efficient and caused the prices of ford motor vehicles to go down. The price went from $850 to $300.
  • Major event of 1928

    Major event of 1928
    November 6 – U.S. presidential election, 1928: Republican Herbert Hoover wins by a wide margin over Democratic Governor of New York Alfred E. Smith. November 17 – The Boston Garden opens in Boston. November 18 – Mickey Mouse appears in Steamboat Willie, the third Mickey Mouse cartoon released, but the first sound film. American life was really good with inflation at around 2 percent up until this point, and consumer purchasing power being very high the Economy was Amazing.
  • Oct. 29, 1929

    Oct. 29, 1929
    the United States stock market crashed in an event known as Black Tuesday. This began a chain of events that led to the Great Depression, a 10-year economic slump that affected all industrialized countries in the world. This led to inflation, unemployment, and high-interest rate the consumer purchasing power fell drastically and led to many not being able to afford basic living necessities.
  • Living in the 1930

    Living in the 1930
    Real GDP fell 29% from 1929 to 1933. The unemployment rate reached a peak of 25% in 1933. Consumer prices fell 25%; wholesale prices plummeted 32%. This led to many being left without a job, and even those that worked could barely afford basic living necessities. A lot of children started to drop out of school, and go work in factories.
  • Major events of 1930

    Major events of 1930
    As stocks continued to fall during the early 1930s, businesses failed, and unemployment rose dramatically. By 1932, one of every four workers was unemployed. Banks failed and life savings were lost, leaving many Americans destitute. With no job and no savings, thousands of Americans lost their homes. Businesses for security were more cautious and some were not willing to sell their goods causing a shortage of food. This lowered the standard of living even more.
  • Major events of 1932

    Major events of 1932
    13 million Americans are unemployed. 43,000 marchers Inc. 17,000 World War I vets ( Bonus Army ) march to Washington DC on May 29 and set up campgrounds demanding early payments of cash bonuses to help survive the Great Depression. Rioting and looting occurred daily with many people getting killed or robbed daily.
  • Major events of 1933

    Major events of 1933
    December 5 – The Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution is ratified, repealing Prohibition. December 15 – The 21st Amendment officially goes into effect, making alcohol legal in the United States. December 17 - The first NFL Championship game in American football is played. Hitler comes to power and is appointed as chancellor of Germany. Growing unrest and precautions to war due to Germany not paying their debts from the last war has caused civil tension.
  • Major events of 1934

    Major events of 1934
    April 15: Known as Black Sunday, the worst dust storm hits the United States. In order to help farmers learn how to work sustainably, President Roosevelt introduces the Soil Conservation Act. This led to a huge drop in the production of food which caused prices to skyrocket and many businesses stopped selling their food and started to conserve it which led to many starving to death.
  • Major events of 1935

    Major events of 1935
    Social Security Act establishes old-age retirement insurance and a federal payroll tax to finance federal-state unemployment insurance. President Roosevelt signs the Public Utilities Act to restrict public utility monopolies. This led to the market for businesses opening up, and more people started to get into business, but the standard of living was still very low with high inflation. Natzi movement and third Rique gaining political power in Germany.
  • Major events of 1937

    Major events of 1937
    937 Major News Stories including Amelia Earhart, Hindenburg Disaster, Memorial Day Massacre, Joe Louis, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dust Bowl Storms, and Mississippi River Flooding ... 1937 unemployment continued to drop to 14.3% dropping some 6.7% from the previous year. The stock market starts to recover and lots of businesses invest cautiously. Unemployment and inflation continue to drop.
  • Major events of 1938

    Major events of 1938
    Hitler marches into Austria; the political and geographical union of Germany and Austria was proclaimed. Munich Pact—Britain, France, and Italy agree to let Germany partition Czechoslovakia. Nazis destroy Jewish shops, homes, and synagogues in the Kristallnacht riots; 20,000-30,000 were sent to concentration camps. This caused civil unrest and tension between countries. Businesses were recovering and started to have confidence in the American system.
  • Major events of 1939

    Major events of 1939
    important events of 1939 and the start of the Second World War, including Prime Minister Chamberlain's (pictured to the left) ultimatum to Hitler; withdraw German troops from Poland or war will be declared. Germany invades Poland. The first use of Blitzkrieg. Britain and France give Germany an ultimatum to get out. This made the united states start mandatory drafting which broke a lot of families taking away their bread maker.