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The Great Depression
The Great Depression was a time of economic crisis, this started in The United States of America then quickly spread throughout most of the world, resulting in people starving and dying. People throughout this time experienced great hunger, loss of work, and being homeless. The Great Depression was lead by The Stock Market crash of October 1929 as well as over production, bank failures, drought, and consumer debt (US History - The Great Depression, 2017). -
Hitlers Rise to Power
On the 30th of January 1933 Adolf Hitler was elected as the Chancellor of Germany. There was plenty of hesitation to hand over the power to the German Nazis but the government prior to the placement decided thought they could handle Hitler. Hitler immediately attempted to use his power to become the ultimate ruler of Germany to then be driven crazy with power (Hitler's Rise to Power, 2014). -
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The word holocaust comes from greek words, holos meaning whole and kaustos meaning burned. The concentration camps were places run by the German Nazis they held torture, hard labour, starvation, grief, pain, and homicide. The German Nazis believed that jews were inferior and impure, this threatened the Nazis leading the jews to torture and pain during World War 2, many of the jews died not only from the gas chambers but from starvation and exhaustion (The Holocaust, 2017). -
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The Rape of Nanking
On the 13th of December 1937 the first day of the next 6 weeks had started. The Japanese army troops invaded many citizens houses to murder them. Hundreds of thousands of the Chinese Nanking citizens had been killed by the Japanese and amongst that number 20,000 to 80,000 women were cold heartedly raped and murdered by those same Japanese troops. Nanking was left in ruins that took decades for the city and citizens to recover from the brutal attacks (Nanking Massacre, 2017). -
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World War 2
During WW2 there was two sides, the Axis Power which includes Germany, Italy, and Japan, and the Allies which includes Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, The Soviet Union, China, and The United States of America. WW2 was the largest armed conflict in history involving more countries than ever. The Allied powers won the war and declared the countries who fought alongside Germany to pay reparations as they were believed to cause unneeded destruction(World War 2 Summary, 2017). -
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The Bretton Woods Conference
In July of 1944 over 700 delegates from 44 different nations attended The Bretton Woods Conference. The objective of this conference was to develop a new post war international monetary ranking order. Many countries had learnt that past destructive decisions had not done any favours for their countries ranking, as well as new realisations were being made, this persuaded many countries to then put their best foot forward in the future (Evrensal A, 2017). -
The Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima
The Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima was the worlds first atomic bomb dropped. The bomb named Little Boy was dropped in Hiroshima and wiped out 90% of the city instantly killing 80,000 people to then wipe out tens of thousands more from exposure to high levels radiation over long periods of time suffering. Even being able to see the explosion from a distance yet not feel the impact would blind you as the light was so intense it melts your retina (Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 2017). -
The Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki
The Nagasaki atomic bombing was a follow up of Hiroshima which had occurred three days earlier. The Nagasaki atomic bomb named Fat Man was made to be more powerful than Hiroshima, because of the unique landscape with valleys and mountains the destructive energy settled amongst it, this made the outcome smaller than expected. The land destroyed was only half of what Hiroshima had suffered with even though the bomb was made to be stronger (Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 2017). -
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The Cold War
The Cold War was between the USA and the USSR, although they had fought along side one another they were both apart of the Allies in WW2 they had mutual distrust, the USA believed the USSR wasn't legitimate and the USSR resented that. Post WW2 the USSR had expanded which made many Americans believe they were attempting to take over the world. According to many historians the mutual distrust was no ones fault and many believed it was inevitable (Cold War History, 2017). -
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The Korean War
On June 25th 1950 75,000 soldiers from The North Korean Army poured across the border and invaded South Korea. When July had come around American troops had joined the war to back up South Korea as they believed it was a fight against the international communisms forces. After early back and fourth fighting it had stalled itself as casualties were in place. Many were frightened that WW3 was going to start. Although the war had ended Korea is still separated till this day (Korean War, 2017). -
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The Vietnam War
The Vietnam war was very long and costly. The war was between North Vietnam and its allies known as Viet Cong, and South Vietnam and their ally The United States of America. The war offically begun after the rise to power of Ho Cho Minh in North Vietnam. Three million people were killed including 58,000 Americans during this brutal war. The Vietnam war had ended as the communist forces gained control of Saigon, this was a North Vietnam Victory (Vietnam War History, 2017). -
Apollo 11
Apollo 11 was the worlds first rocket ship to land on the moon with men inside, it was the first time man stepped on another planetary body. The man that took the first steps was an American Astronaut named Neil Armstrong who spoke his famous words of "Thats one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." This opened up many other opportunities for Astronauts and created a greater understanding of outer space (Apollo 11, 2017). -
The Worlds First Test Tube Baby
The worlds first test tube baby was born on the 25th of July 1978 and named Louise Joy Brown. Louises' mother suffered from blocked fallopian tubes, to be able to conceive a child she agreed to under go an experimental IVF surgery. She underwent the in vitro fertilisation surgery. She was delivered by caesarean section and was born healthy weighing 5 pounds and 12 ounces (Worlds First Test Tube Baby Born, 2017). -
Tearing Down of the Berlin Wall
The Berlin wall separated the 2 sides of the capital. The 2 sides were shut off by 79miles of fencing, over 300 watch towers, and guards on site ready to shoot anyone trying to cross over. The Cold Wars tension began to thaw across Europe. On November 9th 1989 it was announced that at midnight all citizens were free. People from both sides met in the middle by standing on the wall chanting "open the gate." and at midnight their wish came true and the wall was "torn" down (Berlin Wall, 2017). -
The Collapse of the World Trade Centre
The attacks of 9/11 was one of the most heart shattering events served in history. The unfortunate event had started at 8:46 am when the first hijacked plane crashed into the North tower then followed by another plane at 9:03 am to crash into the South tower. The third plane hit the Western side of the pentagon at 9:37am and the final fourth plane crashed in a field as passengers fought with the terrorists. The whole world mourned the deaths of the innocent people involved (9/11 Attacks, 2017).