
By Herbhen
  • The first meeting of the League of Nations

    The first meeting of the League of Nations
    The first meeting of the league of nations met in 1920 for the first time in Geneva Switzerland. The US was not there because the senate voted against joining the league of nations.
  • Hitler becomes the leader of the Nazi party

    Hitler became the leader of the Nazis in 1921 because of his public speaking skills, also he connects with the public and because he could relate to an average Germans problems
  • Five power naval treaty

    Five power naval treaty
    1922 the Five power naval treaty which are Britain, France, Italy, Japan and the United States sign an agreement to slow down naval arms to prevent future wars.
  • The samuel commission in England releases its report on coal mining

    In 1926 The Samuel Commission released a report on coal mining wages being cut, the Triple Alliance responded to this by striking.
  • KKK march in Washington DC

    KKK march in Washington DC
    KKK marched for public acceptance in 1926. This time their views were racism, anti Catholicism, anti communism, nativism, and anti semitism. Also in this time the Ku Klux Klan had 4 million members.
  • Mickey Mouse

    Mickey Mouse
    In 1928 the Mickey Mouse in a short animated film called Steamboat Willie produced by Walt Disney
  • Stock Market crash

    Stock Market crash
    The stock market crash in 1929 played a big role in the great depression
  • Unemployment is Australia Peaked

    In 1932 the unemployment rates in Australia went up to 32%
  • Hitler is appointed chancellor of Germany

    President Paul von Hindenburg declared HItler chancellor of Germany, one of Hitler's steps of dictatorship. Hitler being appointed Chancellor of Germany had a part later to have WW2 started. Hindenburg was intimidated by Hitler's growing popularity, at first he wasn't going to make him chancellor and appointed it to General Kurt von Schleicher who tried to steal Hitler's position by negotiating with Nazi’s.
  • German Soviet non-aggression pact

    German Soviet non-aggression pact
    Germans and the USSR signed a nonaggression pact for 10 years in 1939, this happening Hitler knew by doing this he could invade Poland with not much opposition. This pact ended in 1941 when Nazi forces invaded Soviet Union in Czechoslovakia, Hitler doing this convinced the British and the French he could not be trusted. The pact had a secret agreement in it that Soviets and the Germans would divide up Eastern Europe. This made it easier for Nazis to invade Poland.