
  • Roosevelt's Corollary

    Roosevelt's Corollary
    Roosevelt's Corollary is Roosevelt's threat to go to war with any European country who messes with the Western Hemisphere.
  • Scopes-Monkey Trial

    Scopes-Monkey Trial
    John Thomas Scopes was a teacher who taught evolutionary theories as truth and is fined but he challenges it in court. Scopes looses, but it makes Christian fundamentalists look foolish and this cause many schools to re access Creationism and begin teaching evolution as an option. Also started the battle between fundamentalism and modernism spill into other areas of culture.
  • Herbert Hoover elected

    Herbert Hoover elected
    Hoover becomes president when the stock market crashes. He is blamed for the Great Depression and Hoover does nothing at first and waits to long. Creates the Bonus Army Debate and Hoovervilles.
  • Stock Market Crashes to start the Great Depression

    Stock Market Crashes to start the Great Depression
    Speculation is widespread with many people buying "on margin." U.S. government cuts taxes. Excess money plus new industries plus peer pressure result in widespread purchasing of stock, which causes an increase in the price of stock and so on. When the stock market crashed, many people did not have much money left because most of them didn't have a savings account. U.S. government does not do anything at first and when they do, it's too late.
  • FDR elected

    FDR elected
    Franklin D. Roosevelt wins 44 states because he promised to reduce spending, balance budget, and a "New Deal." Also attacks "Hoover's Depression." Roosevelt made the "New Deal", which consisted of relief, recovery, and reform. Dies during his presidency and was succeeded by Dwight D. Eisenhower.
  • FDR begins fireside chats

    FDR begins fireside chats
    They were when Roosevelt would get on the radio and talk to the American public and reassure them and keeps them informed. Helps Roosevelt with his "New Deal."
  • Eleanor Poosevelt becomes First Lady

    Eleanor Poosevelt becomes First Lady
    She helped President Roosevelt by going places for him and filling him in about them. She also supported aspects that many Americans did not support and supported women, workers, young and poor people. She redefined the role of the First Lady. They should stand up for what they believe in and help those in need since they have the power to do so.
  • Rosie the Riveter image first used

    Rosie the Riveter image first used
    It was a government advertising for women to work in factories to help out in the war. The women was displayed as strong and capable to do men's work in the factories. The poster later helps in the women's civil rights.
  • Cold War begins

    Cold War begins
    Everyone thought that they wanted to go to war, but they really don't. Each of them are cautiously watching each other. America was worried that the Soviets would try to take over the world. "After WWII Russia did not release Eastern Europe like they agreed to in Yalta. They setup puppet governments that began a war of tension."
  • Brown v. Board

    Brown v. Board
    Oliver Brown's daughter was not allowed to enroll in an all-white elementary school. The court case sets the precedent that "separate but equal education and other services were not, in fact, equal."
  • MalcolmX killed

    MalcolmX killed
    "In New York City, Malcolm X, an African American nationalist and religious leader, is assassinated by rival Black Muslims while addressing his Organization of Afro-American Unity at the Audubon Ballroom in Washington Heights."
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott ends

    Montgomery Bus Boycott ends
    MLK has blacks not to ride buses after Rosa Parks is arrested for not letting a white have her seat. The boycott lasts more than a year when finally the "federal court found that the laws in Alabama and Montgomery requiring segregated buses were unconstitutional."
  • JFK elected

    JFK elected
    Youngest President to be elected. Comes up with "The New Frontier" which consisted of peace corps, NASA, welfare state, education money, and civil rights. This new plan is taking America in a direction that they have never been in. JFK is assassinated and does not get the opportunity to full carry out his new plan and is succeed by Lyndon B. Johnson.
  • JFK assassinated

    JFK assassinated
    Kennedy is campaigning in a parade, riding in a convertible. He was shot through the neck by Lee Harvey Oswald. The Americans do not get answers because Jack Ruby kills Oswald before they could question him. Kennedy is succeeded by Lyndon Baines Johnson.
  • "The Feminine Mystique" is published

    "The Feminine Mystique" is published
    The book was about how women are mysterious. Women saw themselves as "not dependent upon a man for their sense of identity," Not everyone is happy about being a normal women/mother.
  • Bull Connor uses fire hoses

    Bull Connor uses fire hoses
    Connor uses fire hoses when black students have riots even when they were not supposed to have them. He used them to stop the protesters but media got a hold of it and showed the rest of the public what was going on, which changed their perspective of blacks.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    The Civil Rights Act was passed by Lyndon Baines Johnson. The Civil Rights Act made it illegal to segregate anything based on race.
  • Griswold v. Connecticut

    Griswold v. Connecticut
    Griswold and Burton was charged and convicted for breaking Connecticut's anti-contraception. This went to court where the court's ruling was that it was "constitutional right to privacy to married couples with regards to birth control."
  • NOW formed

    NOW formed
    National Organization of Women's goal was "to take action to bring women into full participation in the mainstream of American society.."
  • Richard Nixon elected

    Richard Nixon elected
    LBJ does not run for a second term because of anti-war pressure. Robert Kennedy runs for President but is killed leaving a speech by Sirhan. Nixon eventually wins and becomes President.
  • MLK killed

    MLK killed
    Killed by a sniper. This ticks off a lot of people and they turn to more violent options to gain equality. It also creates the Black Panther group.
  • Woodstock

    Woodstock was a gathering of a bunch of people who decided to have an arts festival with people who understands Generation X. They have three days of peace and music, and 400,000 people attend. This gathering showed the generation that there were a lot of people who cared about the same aspects of life. Provided an alternative. There is a cultural divide.
  • Vietnam draft begins

    Vietnam draft begins
    LBJ is forced to draft. Many protest begin and take place in college campus. These protest force American people to chose sides.
  • Nixon's revised Philadelphia Plan implemented

    Nixon's revised Philadelphia Plan implemented
    The Plan stated that it "was a federal affirmative action program to established in 1967 to radically integrate the building construction trade unions through mandatory goals fro nonwhite hiring on federal construction contracts." The Plan changed the true meaning of affirmative action.
  • Kent State Shootings

    Kent State Shootings
    Takes place in Ohio. Students gather and encourage the press. Protest against the "expansion of the Vietnam War." National guard comes to control the protest from disrupting others. National guard push back the protesters using tear gas. Protesters fight back. The National guard feels threatened so they shoot and end up killing some students. Nixon does not help.
  • Title IX passed

    Title IX passed
    It states that "no person in the United States shall on the basis of sex be under any education program receiving Federal Financial assistance." This gave women equal rights in sports which led to the increase of education and employment.
  • Roe v. Wade

    Roe v. Wade
    The court ruled that women had the right to make their own personal medical decisions like having an abortion. Legalizes abortion. Men stop telling women when to have babies.
  • Nixon resigns

    Nixon resigns
    Nixon resigns because he is tied back to the Watergate scandal, which was a break into the Democratic National Committee headquarters. Nixon is subpoena to give the Oval office recordings to the Supreme Court. The tapes connect him to the scandal and he resigns before impeachment.
  • Ronald Reagan elected

    Ronald Reagan elected
    Reagan is known, liked, and has experience. He rides on a new political movement called the New Right, which focuses on ideals with morality. Forms the new version of the Republican party. Teddy Kennedy was the runner for the Republican party but backs out because of the car wreck with the mysterious women.
  • Sandra Day O'Connor becomes first women Supreme Court justice

    Sandra Day O'Connor becomes first women Supreme Court justice
    "She was an elected official and judge in Arizona serving as the first female Majority Leader of a state senate as the Republican leader in the Arizona Senate. Upon her nomination to the Court, O'Connor was confirmed unanimously by the Senate. On July 1, 2005, she announced her intention to retire effective upon the confirmation of a successor. Samuel Alito was nominated to take her seat in October 2005, and joined the Court on January 31, 2006."
  • ERA sent to the states fro ratification

    ERA sent to the states fro ratification
    Equal Rights Amendments states that "the rights guaranteed by the Constitution apply equally to all persons regardless of their sex." The Amendment was never passed.
  • Geraldine Ferraro runs for VP

    Geraldine Ferraro runs for VP
    "Former vice president and presidential candidate Walter Mondale, seen as an underdog, selected Ferraro to be his running mate in the upcoming election. Ferraro became the only Italian American to be a major-party national nominee in addition to being the first woman. The positive polling the Mondale-Ferraro ticket received when she joined soon faded, as damaging questions arose about her and her businessman husband's finances and wealth and her Congressional disclosure statements." Defeated!
  • Cold War ends

    Cold War ends
    Reagan and Gorbachev becomes friends and Gorbachev's willingness to change opens the door to disarmament. When Gorbachev shows openness, the Soviet satellites start ditching Communism peacefully. The USSR returns to being Russia.
  • Bill Clinton elected

    Bill Clinton elected
    Bill Clinton is young and has the upper hand on Bush. He goes on TV and talks to the public. He gets the nickname "Slick Willy." Clinton wants to become the new JFK. He gets censured (warning) because of his "affair" with Monica Lewinsky.
  • Clinton impeached

    Clinton impeached
    Clinton is suspected to have an affair with an intern at the White House named Monica Lewinsky. The affair is leaked to the Press. Clinton acts like he doesn't know about it. Eventually he admits to lying and the affair. Gets impeached and divides the country between conservatives and liberals.
  • World Trade Center Towers collapse

    World Trade Center Towers collapse
    "A result of being struck by two jet airliners hijacked by 10 terrorists affiliated with al-Qaeda. Two of the four hijacked airliners crashed into the Twin Towers, one into the North Tower (WTC 1) and the other into the South Tower (WTC 2).[2] The collapse of the Twin Towers destroyed the rest of the complex, and debris from the collapsing towers severely damaged or destroyed more than a dozen other adjacent and nearby structures."
  • Barack Obama elected

    Barack Obama elected
    The first black President. Elected in 2008 with no trouble. Ramps up the war before getting out of it. Crushed the Taliban. Slogan: Change we can believe in. Creates Obamacare.
  • Hillary Clinton runs for President

    Hillary Clinton runs for President
    Runs against Donald Trump. She pointed out to deleting a lot of important emails that linked her to something bad. Does not win.