
  • Mexican Revolution Begins

    Mexican Revolution Begins
    The Mexican Revolution was the revolution of the people against the government. It was caused by how corrupt the government was. The Mexican revolution was led by Fransisco I. Madero.It lasted until 1920.
  • Angel Island Opens

    Angel Island Opens
    Immigration is now available for people in the west. It was very similiar to Ellis Island. It was well known for ignoring the Chinese exclusion act and 3/4 of its immigrants were Chinese.Many people started working on the transcontinent railroad immediatly after leaving
  • Titanic Sinks

    Titanic Sinks
    The Titanic sinks after hitting an iceburg. It was caused by a number of unlucky things that happened. Almost all of the passengers and crew died. The first problem was that a man who had quit had accidently taken the locker key with him and they couldn't get binoculars. Had they had binoculars theyw wouldn't have hit the iceburg.
  • World War One Begins

    World War One Begins
    World War One was sparked by the assasination of Archduke Ferdinand. The more powerful countries and some of the weaker countries were forced to fight for the next four years.
  • Period: to

    World War One

  • Germans First Use Poison Gas

    Germans First Use Poison Gas
    World War One was fought largely using poison gas. After the Germans first used it the other nations picked it upto fight back.
  • World War One Ends

    World War One Ends
    World War One ended when the treaty of Versiallles was signed. It let many coutries poorer, wweaker and there wasn't really a winner. It also allowed Hitler to come to powerin Germany and, eventually, led to World War Two
  • Bubonic Plague In India

    Bubonic Plague In India
    The Bubonic Plague in India caused conditions to lower in quality and people to immigrate out. It killed 1/3 of the population in Europe. The people who got the bubonic plague had their fingers and toes turn black and it really looks disgusting.
  • Period: to

    Prohibition of Alcholic Beverages

    Prohibition in the 20's was the banning of alcholic beverages in the U.S. It caused a lot of organized crime and smuggling.
  • Harry Houdini's Most Famous Act

    Harry Houdini's Most Famous Act
    Harry Houdini suspended himself 40 feet above the ground in a straaight jacket and escaped. It was his most famous act.
  • Immigration and Naturalization Services

    Immigration and Naturalization Services
    A lot of people could not immigrate to the US. They cut immigration down to prevent over populaion and stop illegal immigration as much as they oculd. Southern and Eastern Europe had their immigratoin cut by 87%.
  • Congress Passes the National Origins Act

    Congress Passes the National Origins Act
    The National Origins act added quotas to immigration. This caused immigration to be highly restricted. Thats why there isn't as much immigration today.
  • Diamond Rush in South Africa

    Diamond Rush in South Africa
    The diamond rush in South Africa could have effected immigration greatly. People in South Africa would have wanted to stay in South Africa so that they couldhave a chance at getting some diamonds and getting wealthy. Sadly, what they did not know is that the richer people would be able to get to the diamond faster and the poor people would not gbe left with much. It wouldhvae been better to take their chances and move to the US and try to live there.
  • The Great Depression Begins

    The Great Depression Begins
    The Great Depression was the economical crash of America. Many wereleft without jobs and poor. Many immigrants went back to their homes because of this. Banks had to close after the Stock Market crashed because a lot of the money people put in the banks, the bank used to buy stock. This made people and buissinesses lose money and therefor, people could not get jobs and they cold not support their families. It started very soon after WW1 ended.
  • Hitler Becomes German Chancellor

    Hitler Becomes German Chancellor
    Germans become scared economically and name Adolf Hitler chancellor of germany. Hitler plans to make germany a powerful, more militarized state.This event got Nazi Germany going and led to the beginning of world war two.
  • The Dustbowl

    The Dustbowl
    The Dustbowl is a huge snadstorm that hit the United States and severely hurt farmig. It hit mainly the mid-western states. The Dustbowl was a very large drought and it covered a 150,000 square mile area. So, it covered Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, New Mexico and Colorado. There were very high winds and little to no rainfall. This made life very hard, people could not farm and they could not get food easily. The drought lasted from 1934 until 1937.
  • World War Two Begins

    World War Two Begins
    World War Two made many people leave their country. The Jewish leaving Germany is probablythe most famous example of this. China was already in war with East Asia before WW2 started. Germany was the last country to sign the peace treaty. The United Sates joined WW2 when the attack on Pearl Harbor occurred.
  • Period: to

    World War Two

  • The Great Depression Ends

    The Great Depression Ends
    After the Depression ended immigrants started to come back to the U.S. WW2 actually ended the Great Depression. When the war started up, people tarted making money again and the Stock Market got back on its feet.
  • The Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain
    An air battle between Britain and Germany over Britains air space.It took place durring WW2. The Germans were aiming to wipe out civilians and become the superior country to do with air attacks. Britain fought back and that created the Battle of Britain. More than 20,000 British cavilians were killed by the German air attack.
  • Winston Churchill Becomes Prime Minister

    Winston Churchill Becomes Prime Minister
    Chamberlain (The Pime Minister of Britain before Winston Churchill) signed a pact with the Hitler, who was (at the time) the leader or the Nazi's. the pact was supposed to make it so that Hitler would not attack any countries, but the peace was broken when Hitler attacked Poland. In 1940, Chamberlain was not trusted any more so they needed a new Prime Minister.
  • Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor

    Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor
    The attack on Pearl Harbor launched World War Two. Hundreds of Japanese fighter planes attacked Pearl Harbor; the US Naval base in Hawaii. The actual attack only lasted a few hours, but the dammage done was devistating. More than 20 Naval vessels were destroyed. 2,000 US soldiers were killed and 1,000 were wounded. The vessels that were destroyed consisted of 8 battle ships and an additional 200 airplanes. Congress declared war on Japan and after a few years, the US joined WW2
  • Government Detains Japanese

    The government begins to detain qall Japanes due to hostilities.110,000 People of Japanese descent are imprisoned as a result of the ariel attack on pearl harbor, The government was trying to keep the spies away.
  • Anne Frank Goes into Hiding.

    Anne Frank Goes into Hiding.
    Anne Frank goes into hiding because she is Jewish and the German police were hunting the Jewish. The family had already been planing on going into hiding to get away from the Germans.
  • U.S. Enters WWII

    U.S. Enters WWII
    The U.S. entered World War Two after the Japanes bombed Pearl Harbor. The United States provided weapons to their allies as they prepared for war. When World WarTwo ended it also ended the isolation between the U.S. and the rest of the world.
  • First Computer is Made

    First Computer is Made
    Many people helped make the first computer, so there is not one person alone who got the credit for making it. The first computer that was freely programable was invented in 1936.
  • World War Two Ends

    World War Two Ends
    World War Two ended when Japan surrendered after being bombed. Japan had surrendered earlier in August on V-J Day (August 14,1945). They surrendered after the aotmic bombs were dropppede in Japan and they had to surrender. Once the Japanese signed the treaty officially ending World War 2, the war was over.
  • The Treaty of London

    The Treaty of London
    The Treaty of london founded the Council of Europe.
  • Cold War Begins

    Cold War Begins
    The Cold War Began and many are displaced. United Staes and Soviet Uninon teamed up to try and defeat the Axis powers.
  • The Korean War Begins

    The Korean War Begins
    The Korean War started when about 75,000 of North Korea's solidiers went across the 38th parallell border. This action was the start of the Cold War. By July of the sameyear, American soliders came in to help South Korea fight against North Korea. Some people thought that this would be the start of World War 3 or at least have the war go into China and Russia. That in itself means that the war must have been pretty bad and very violent. About 5 million soldiers, in total, lost their lives.
  • Korean War Ends

    Korean War Ends
    he Korean War ended after the U.S. threatened to use nuclear weapons. All countriesi nvolved in the war signed the Korean Armistice. The border between North and South Korea was changed giving South Korea more land.
  • The Warsaw Pact is Formed

    The Warsaw Pact is Formed
    It is called the Warsaw Pact because it was signed in Warsaw, Poland.
  • Rosa Parks Refuses To Give up Her Seat

    Rosa Parks Refuses To Give up Her Seat
    Rosa Parks refused to give her seat up just because she was black and was arrested because of it.
  • Soviet Union Launches First Space Flight (Unmanned)

    Soviet Union Launches First Space Flight (Unmanned)
    The first space flight was launched.
  • Cuba is Taken Over by Fidel Castro

    Fidel Castro becomes Cuban president. He leaves this offic at 2008.
  • The Social Security Act

    The Social Security Act
    The Social SecurityAct provides unemployed with revenue.