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1910 - 1920

By Drea515
  • Shirtwaist Factory

    The establishment of safety codes when working in the industries was caused by the Triangle Shirtwaist factory which caught on fire in New York, Killing 500 workers.
  • Machu Picchu

    Machu Picchu
    The American archaeologist Hiram Bingham reached the Incan city of Machu Picchu.
  • South Pole

    Norwegian explorer Roald Awadsen reached the South Pole.
  • Oreos!

    National Biscuit Company, called Nabisco, began the corporation that created the Oreo cookie. It had a suspicious origin, but the oreo made a name for itself, and was therefore granted a patent on August 12,1913.
  • William Howard Taft

    William Howard Taft
    1909-1913 William was the 27th President, and was the only person to have serve in both offices. Presidential and Chief Justice in 1921-1930.
  • Rosa Parks Birthday

    Rosa Parks Birthday
    Rosa Parks was a big part of the civil rights movement who even became a leader. Parks started the Montgomery Bus Boycott movement later on in 1955. She refused to give up her seat. Which helped end racial segregation.
  • Woodrow Wilson 1913-1921

    Woodrow Wilson 1913-1921
    Taking after Taft, Woodrow Wilson became the 28th President. He was an advocate/speaker for democracy, and world peace. For his peacemaking efforts he received a Nobel Prize. That action was him trying to make America a member of The league of Nations. Senate however refused.

    The Louvre Museum in Paris lost their precious masterpiece by Leonardo Da Vinci "The Mona Lisa" to a group heist two years beforehand. Peruggia spent 14 months in jail for this.
  • Puzzles

    The world's first crossword puzzle was introduced in the Sunday edition of the New York World.
  • Charlie Chaplin

    Charlie Chaplin
    English filmmaker Charlie Chaplin who wrote, acted, and directed his films created his well known character "Little Tramp" which was presented in " Kids Auto Races at Venice" and "Mabel's Strange Predicament". This character made Charlie famous before films with sound.
  • Period: to

    World War 1 "The Great War"

    Began after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. Central Powers vs. Allied Powers.
  • The Panama Canal

    The Panama Canal
    The Canal proved an important role to expanding of global trading routes.The Panama Canal completion cost was around 350 million dollars, and out of the 56,000 workers 5,600 were reported dead.
  • Tannenberg Battle

    Tannenberg Battle
    The first battle of World War 1 happened in Tannenberg which is now Stebark, Poland. This battle was between Germany and Russia. Germany won against Russia. This battle lasted four days August 26- 30.
  • Declaring War

    Declaring War
    President at the time Woodrow Wilson asked Congress to join the battle against Germany in World War 1. Just 4 days after Congress allowed America to join the war.
  • Ella Fitzgerald's Birthday

    Ella Fitzgerald's Birthday
    Ella later on became a well known Jazz singer they even called her "The Queen of Jazz".
  • John F. Kennedy's Birthday

    John F. Kennedy's Birthday
    JFK became the 36th President of the United States his term had plenty of historical events like the African American Civil Rights Movement, etc.

    Mata Hari was a professional dancer, and was hired by George Ladoux to spy for France during World War 1. She then was suspected of being a double agent, so she was executed October 15, 1917.
  • Russian Revolutions

    Russian Revolutions
    Throughout 1917-1918, two revolutions within russia took place in order to end imperial rule and set in social/political changes.
  • Spanish Flu

    Spanish Flu
    Private Albert Gitchell of the U.S Army first reported at Fort Riley, Kansas about cold-like symptoms. Later on that day 100 of his peer soldiers reported the same symptoms. This was marked to be the first influenza pandemic of 1918, later known as the spanish flu. The estimate 20-50 million people around the world.
  • Czar Nicholas II and Family execution

    Czar Nicholas II and Family execution
    On the night of July 16, the Romanov's were executed by firearms
    thus ending a 300 year imperial dynasty. Nicholas II led his country, Russia into costly war that was World War 1.
  • UNIA

    Marcus Garvey founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). HIs organization represents the biggest movement in African-American History.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    The most important peace treaties in history that ended World War 1. Leaving germany guilty. Exactly 5 years after Ferdinand's assassination.
  • German Labor Party

    Adolf Hitler (known for being the leader of the Nazi Party later on) and two of his colleagues went to a meeting of the German Labor Party, a race based nationalist organization. They advocated revocation of the Treaty of Versailles.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    On January 10, 1920 The league of nations was founded. An organization whose mission was to maintain world peace after what happened in World War 1.