Early Special Education Program
The first special education programs were delinquency prevention programs for "at risk" students. Designed manual training classes. -
Smith-Hughes Act
Provided federal funding for vocational education. Purpose is to remove skill training from the apprenticeship programs. -
The California School Law Amended
Gave governing bodies of school districts power to exclude children. Established separate schools for different races such as Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Mongolian etc. -
Support Groups
Parents form support groups for children with special needs. -
Programs for Specific Learning Disabilities
Special schools and special classes such as deafness, blindness, brain injury and mental retardation became more common. -
Educational Testing Service
Educational Testing Service is formed. Tests include College Entrance Examination Board, Cooperative Test Service, Graduate Records Office. These tests continued the work of eugenicists to prove that immigrants are less than. -
Federal Response to Helping Families ARC
Began to develop and validate practices for children with disabilities and their families. -
Brown v. Board of Education
The Supreme Court rules that segregation is inherently unequal and should be abolished. -
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act
ESEA- Provided resources to help ensure disadvantaged students had access to quality education. -
Amendment of ESEA
Established a grant program to help states initiate expand and improve programs and projects for the education of handicapped children. -
Pennsylvania Assn. for Retarded Children V. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
PARC-The settlement agreed that educational placement decisions must include the process of parental participation and a means to resolve disputes. -
Mill v. Board of Education of District Columbia
This case established that all children are entitled to free public educations and training appropriate to their learning capabilities. The board were excluding children that were "exceptional." -
Congressional Investigation
After the PARC and Mills cases, Congress launched an investigation into the status of children with disabilities and found that million of children were not receiving a public education. -
Title IX
Title IX is enacted into law. It prohibits federally funded educational institutions from discriminating against students or employees based on sex. -
Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Guaranteed civil rights for the disabled in federally funded institutions or programs. Required accommodations including access to buildings. Applies throughout lifetime and does not have to be an educational disability. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
EHA- It gave children with disabilities specific legal rights to an education. It is later renamed IDEA. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act Reformulated
EHA was reformulated as the IDEA. It elaborated on the inclusion of children with disabilities into regular classes. -
Individuals with Disabilities Act
IDEA- The IDEA was reauthorized and emphasized academic outcomes for students with disabilities such as expectations. -
No Child Left Behind
NCLB- grew out concern that the American education system was no longer internationally competitive. Increased the federal role in holding schools responsible for the academic progress of students. Focused on ELs, special ed students, poor and minority students. -
RTI Began
Enacted multi-tiered system of support begins for special education students.