The Enlightenment
The Enlightenment was a period of time that brought new ideas, theories, and social liberties to light. This would change the course of European and world history. Some famous Enlightenment thinkers are Montesquieu, John Locke, Voltaire, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Each of these thinkers provided differnt views and ideas on subjects related to the Enlightenment. -
War of Spanish Succession
This war occurred after Charles II of Spain left the throne to Philip V Bourbon. William III Orange of the Netherlands led the coalition to attempt to maintain the balance of power in Europe. This is different from the previous centuries where countries would take whatever land they pleased. This war shows how different politics became in the 18th century due to different beliefs and morals. -
First English Daily Newspaper
The first English Daily Newspaper was a stepping stone in communicating to the people. This changed the way politics were previously handled. Now people would be more aware of what was going on and would hold leaders accountable for their actions. This newspaper was called The Daily Courant. -
Creation of the Steam Engine
Thomas Newcomen created the first functioning steam-powered engine in 1712. This engine represents the change in European society and their advancement. This engine would allow ships, factories, and trains to travel and produce products faster. This was one of the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution. -
War of Austrian Succession
Despite what the Spanish Succession shows, this war shows the continuity of monarch actions. Monarchs from different countries wanted power, but did not get it. The Treaty of Aix la Chapelle restored the balance of powers. This war was possibly a forshadowing for the future world wars, as many important countries fought amongst each other. -
The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution began in Britain in 1750. This revolution was marked by the creation of many machines and factories designed to created products faster and easier. People moved into cities from farms to work in the factories. Europe was one of the first areas to experience this change, but it quickly spread to North America. This showed Europe's continuing need to grow their economy and be more efficient. -
The Encyclopedia Published
The Encyclopedia was published in 1751 and edited by Diderot. This book contained information about the ideas and people of the Enlightenment. This allowed the Enlightenment to spread to all differenet parts of Europe and the world. This represents a change in European society, allowing the education and intelligence to be spread to anyone. -
Creation of the Spinning Jenny
James Hargreaves created the Spinning Jenny in 1764. This industrial machine allowed workers to produce multiple spools of thread at the same time. This shows the impact of the Industrial Revolution and what it produced. This creation represents the change in Europe's strive to achieve more and create new products. -
Creation of the Water-Powered Loom
The water-powered loom was created in 1787 by Edmund Cartwright. This loom decreased the amount of time and effort people had to put into creating cloth. This was an important machine in the Industrial Revolution as it was quickly implemented into factories. This shows Europe's continued need to grow and expand their economy and resources. They wanted to make as many products as possible in the least amount of time to make more profit. -
French Revolution
The French Revolution was a response to the harsh political control in France. Bread prices began rising and the people could not afford to pay the price. The people were being ignored by their king and decided to make changes. This shows a continuity of European people to stand up for their rights and revolt against an unjust government.