Flashpoint For Conflict
Slavery in the Sahel region of Africa is hundreds of years old, and Sudan was a very active participant in the slave trade until early this century. The south-western region of Bahr al-Gharzal was one of the most prominent centers of slave trading on the African continent in the late 19th century. -
Sudan Profile
Revolt against the Turco-Egyptian administration. -
British-Egyptian rule
Sudan is under joint of this rule. -
Before Independence-1900-1956 "Pacification" and Closed Districts
In the first two decades of 20th century the British conducted a "pacification" campaign in Southern Sudan and the Nuba Mountains. They used military force including the earliest aerial bombing against people who often regarded the British not as theirs saviors from slavery but as new wave of invaders. -
Before Independence(continued)
In the 1920s a series of laws, the Closed Districts Ordinances placed tight controls on access to the South, the Nuba Mountains, Darfur and the Southern Blue Nile, whose peoples-after "pacification"-were now regarded as needing "protection". -
In the eyes of Southerners, "Sudanization" was effectively "Northernization". Southerners were not represented at the 1953 Cario Conference on self-rule, on the grounds that they had "no party or organization". -
Sudan becomes independent.
Sudan Profile
General Abboud leads military coup against the civilian government elected earlier in the year. -
Civil war begins in the south, led by the Anya Nya movement.
The "October Revolution" overthrows Abbud and an Islamist-led government is established
Jaafar Numeiri leads the "May Revolution" military coup.
Sudanese Communist Party leaders executed after short-lived coup against Numeiry.
Civil war breaks out again in the south involving government forces and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM), led by John Garang.
Islamic law imposed
President Numeiri declares the introduction of Sharia Islamic law. -
Islamic law imposed
After widespread popular unrest Numayri is deposed by a group of officers and a Transitional Military Council is set up to rule the country. -
Islamic law imposed
Coalition government formed after general elections, with Sadiq al-Mahdi as prime minister. -
Islamic law imposed
Coalition partner the Democratic Unionist Party drafts cease-fire agreement with the SPLM, but it is not implemented. -
Islamic law imposed
National Salvation Revolution takes over in military coup. -
Islamic law imposed
Revolution Command Council dissolved after Omar Bashir is appointed president. -
US strike
Egyptian President Mubarak accuses Sudan of being involved in attempt to assassinate him in Addis Ababa. -
US strike
New constitution endorsed by over 96% of voters in referendum. -
US strike
President Bashir dissolves the National Assembly and declares a state of emergency following a power struggle with parliamentary speaker, Hassan al-Turabi. -
Advent of oil
President Bashir meets leaders of opposition National Democratic Alliance for first time in Eritrea. Main opposition parties boycott presidential elections. Incumbent Bashir is re-elected for further five years.