Period: to
Industrialization and Progressivism
Period: to
Foreign Affair from Imperialism to Post WWI
Spanish–American War
This event showed that the US did not want the Spanish over in America anymore. It also showed that they wanted to help other places be free. -
Food and Drug Act
The Food and Drug Act made food and drugs safer to use. It also made sure that they were produced safely. -
Henry Ford Invents The Assembaly line
The Assembaly Line greatly improves the time it takes to produce items. It significantly reduces the prices of items made on an assembaly line. It also helps the war effort in future years. -
WWI Started
This event motivated millions to go to war. It also got the US involved because they had a lot of secret alliances. -
Period: to
Prosperity, Depression, and the New Deal
The First Red Scare
It showed that America was afraid of communists. It also showed that they would do anything to stop communisum. -
WWI Ends
It was a time of great celebration because the war was over. It also showed that the US is very powerful. -
Great Depression
The Great Depressian affected American history because many buisinesses but some auctually grew stronger from the cost of cheaper labor. It also decrased the standard of living for many. The ending of the depressian brought many scolialist changes about. -
The Dust Bowl
The Dust Bowl signaled the start of bad times for American farmers. It gave them less money and made the depression worse. -
Period: to
From Isolationism to World War
World War II Starts
WWII started because of the Germans. The US was not involved yet in the war. -
Pearl Harbor Bombing
Pearl Harbor is the event that pulls the United States into World War II. The Japenese wanted the United States in the war so we came in, full steam ahead. This event motivated millions to join the military and go to war. -
Period: to
The Cold War
Period: to
Social Transformation in the United States
Manhatton Project
This showed that America wanted to become a bigger super power. Also it showed that we wanted to when the war as fast as possible. -
Second Red Scare
It showed that America was afriad of communists. It also showed that they did not like the Soviets. -
Cold War
This showed that America was starting to not be the top super power. It also showed that the Soviets were gaining power. -
Black Civil Rights Movement
It showed that the blacks were sick of not being treated nice. It also showed that the Blacks wanted to do things about it. -
The Vietnam War
It was the longest war and one of the bloodest. Many people did not think that America should be in the war. -
Going Into Space
Going into Space gave the United States the feeling that nothing is impossible. It also inspired many people to do what they believe in and never give up. It gave us the ability for faster communication, spy sattilites, and got us to the moon. -
Assasionation Of JFK
It showed that we recover well and that we are strong. It also showed that we are powerful. -
Strategic Defense Initiative
The SDI was a plan to help defend the United States from Soviet missles. It consisted of three parts and some of it was based in space. The SDI was never put into place though. -
End of the Soviet Union
The end of the Soviet Union showed the end of a troublsome era. It also helped reassure people that good times were near. -
Period: to
United States and the Post-Cold War World
It was the first terriorist attack on American Soil. It also started new security protocals all over the world. -
Death of Bin Laden
It showed that Al Quedia is losing. It also showed that the US always gets its enemys.