
  • Black Hills War

    Gold in South Dakota brings in whites to Sioux land. Colonel George A. Custer and 264 soldiers are killed at Little Nighorn; subsequently, the U.S. Army destroys Indian resistance.
  • Presidential Election

    Rutherford B. Hayes wins the presidential election and serves from 1877-1881
  • Nez Perce War

    Across Idaho, Oregon, and the Washington border, the U.S. moves against the previously peaceful Nez Percé people in the Northwest; Chief Joseph leads a skillful retreat towards Canada, but is caught.
  • Bannock War

    Native Americans of the Bannock tribe attack white settlers in Idaho before they suffer heavy losses and are forced back to Fort Hall Reservation.
  • James A. Garfield wins Presidential Election

    Garfield had 214 votes, while Hancock only had 155
  • Rutherford elected as companion of the Military

    In 1881, he was elected a companion of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States.
  • Presidential Election of Grover Cleveland

    Cleveland had 219 votes while Blaine only had 182
  • Re-election of Grover Cleveland

    Cleveland had 233 electoral votes whereas Harrison only had 168
  • Messiah War

    The U.S. apprehends Sioux leader Sitting Bull, who is killed when followers try to free him. The Sioux surrender but are massacred at Wounded Knee in South Dakota, in this final fight between Native Americans and the U.S. Army.
  • Period: to

    Spanish American War

    U.S. victories against Spain lead to the Treaty of Paris, which establishes the independence of Cuba, and cedes Puerto Rico and Guam to the U.S.. The U.S. also purchases the Philippines for $20 million.
  • Theodore Roosevelt elected as President

    He became president when McKinley was assassinated.
  • Tampico Affair

    After U.S. Marines are arrested at Tampico, U.S. forces bombard Veracruz, Mexico, and occupy the city.
  • Period: to


    The U.S. ends three years of neutrality in the European conflict, declaring war on Germany. An armistice is declared November 11, 1918.
  • Invasion of Haiti

    U.S. Marines occupy Haiti after a civil war; a treaty between the U.S. and the Haitian Senate makes the island nation a virtual U.S. protectorate.
  • Period: to

    Expedition Against Villa

    U.S. military invades Northern Mexico to capture Mexican Pancho Villa, who had raided New Mexico, killing 18; U.S. forces numbering 11,000 withdraw, unable to capture Villa.
  • Period: to

    Siberian Expedition

    The U.S. and other Allied troops invade Russia to protect war supplies during the Russian Revolution.
  • Protection of Shanhai's International Settlement

    One hundred Marines land in Shanghai to defend U.S. property during a civil war there.
  • Period: to

    The Great Depression

    It began after the stock market crash of October 1929. Over the next years, consumer spending and investment dropped.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes President.

    After 3 years deep in the great depression, they held presidential elections.
  • Period: to


    The U.S. enters World War II after Japanese planes attack Pearl Harbor in Hawaii; in 1945, Germany and Japan surrender to Allied forces.