
  • Invention of the telephone

  • The Battle of the Little Big Horn

  • The Molly Maguires

  • The Iron Horse

  • the Great Strike of 1877

  • Invention of the light bulb

  • The assasination of James A. Garfield

  • The founding of the Red Cross

  • The chinese Exclusion Act

  • The Pendleton Act

  • World's Industrial And Cotton Exposition

  • Anti-Chinese Riot in Seattle

  • Haymarket Tragedy

  • AFOL is Founded

  • The Carralton Massacre

  • The Dawes Severality Act

  • Invention of the Kodak Camera

  • The Johnstoown Flood

  • Jim Crow laws become law of the land

  • The death of sitting Bull

  • Largest Mass Lynchin in U.S History

  • The Homestead Strike

  • The Pullman Strike

  • Spanish American War begins

  • Galveston Hurricane