Industrial Revolution pg 235
The industrial revolution started in Great Brittain, because it was the perfect location. It was the perfect location, sence it had flowing water, coal, and iron ore. This made it so that machines could be made, mills could turn, and later coal could burn to steam the water. -
1st successful steam engine is built pg239
The first steam ingine was invented in England. The steam ingine made it so that prduction could go faster. With the steam ingine the factories could be more centraly located with cities, coal mines, and water. -
Mexico declares its independence
Michael Faraday’s dynamo pg 262
Taiping rebellion pg 349
Sepoy Mutiny in India pg 344
Karl Marx’s “Das Kapital” pg 251
The Meiji Restoration pg 352
Persian Gulf Wart US led a multinational force into war. The US did this in the 1990's. The coalition troop freed kuwait and Suddam agreed to obey limits on military forces and weapons. -
Franco-Prussian War pg 322
Spanish-American War begins pg 366
This war began because a Battle ship blew up and America jumped to conclussions that the spanish did it. America instantly went to war with the spanish. We won the war in the end. -
Boxer Rebellion pg 351
Russo-Japanese War pg 332
Franz Ferdinand is killed – 1914 pg 382
Lenin’s Bolshevik Revolution in Russia – 1917 pg
Russia becomes the USSR pg 395
U.S. joins WWI pg 397
Treaty of Versailles is signed pg 399
Mussolini’s Fascist Party in Italy – 1919 pg 425
Stalin’s rule in the USSR begins pg 426
Black Tuesday Stock Market crash pg 415
Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany pg 428
Germany attacks Poland – WWII begins pg 440
Japans attack on Pearl Harbor pg 443
U.S. declares war on Japan pg 444
D-Day pg 461
U.S. drops A-Bomb on Hiroshima pg 463
Nuremberg trials are held pg 480
Apartheid in South Africa pg 543
Korean War is fought pg 483
Mao Zedong’s People’s Republic of China pg 523
Fidel Castro’s Communism in Cuba pg 486
Vietnam War is fought – 1959
Mikhail Gorbachev power in USSR pg 494
Persian Gulf War begins pg 500
USSR collapses & Russia is back –1991 pg 496
NAFTA is formed pg 582
NAFTA means, North Amarican Free Trade Agreement, was formed to make free trade between America, Cannada, and Mexico. -
WTO is formed pg 595
WTO means, World Trade Organization and it helped resolve trade disputes with the 150 countries that are apart of it.