Industrial Revolution
This era, when the use of power-driven machinery was developed. -
1st sucessful steam engne is built
The first commercially duccessful steam engine was built in England in 1712, but it was very slow. Then an inventor named James Watt came up with crucial innovations. His engine was faster and more efficient at driving machinery. -
Mexico declares its independence
Napoleon's conquest of spain was the spark for independence in the colony of New Spain, as Mexico was known at the time. Mexico was a Spanish colony with a mixture of creoles, peninsulares, Indians, and people of mixed race. -
Michael Faraday's dynamo
In 1831, however, English chemist Michael Faraday discovered the connection between magnetism and electricity. His discovery ;ed to the dynamo, a machine that generated electricity by moving a ,agnet through a coil of copper wire. Faraday used the electricity to power an electric motor, and his discoveries led to the develo[[ment of electrical generators. -
Taiping Rebellion
The failure of the quing dynasty to resist the Western powers led some chinese to believe that the dynasty had lost the mandate of Heaven. That belief led to a series of rebellions starting in1850 -
Sepoy Mutiny in India
In 1857 these strained relations ecploded into a rebellion, the Sepoy Mutiny. Sepoys were Indian soldiers who fought in the british army. -
Karl Marx's "Das Kapital"
A more radical view f socialism was put forth by two germans, Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx. They declared that as capitalism grew, more and more workers would sink into poverty. In time they would rebel, seize control of the "Means of production" Such as factories and farms and govern themselves. Capitalism would collapse. -
The Meji Restoration
Throughout the Tokaugwa period, the emperor had been little more then a symbolic figure. The shogun, or supreme military ruler, was the real power in Tokugawa Japan. But many Japanese people, resenting the way that the shogun had givin in to western demands, forced the shogun to step down. -
Franco- Prussian War
States supported Prussia and the north German states in a war against France. In 1871 with the southern German states' help, Bismarck secured a Prussian victory in the Franco-Prussian War. Prussia won the war, and the peace treaty declared the unification of Germany. -
Spanish-American was begins
In Febuarary 1898 the U.S battleship maine mysteriously exploded in Havana's harbor, and many Americans immediately assumed that spain was responsible. -
Boxer Rebellion
The boxer rebellion began in 1899 when the boxers started attacking missionaries and Chinese converts to Chritinity. In june 1900 the boxers laid siege to the foreign compounds in beijing and held the foreigners hostage for 55 days. -
Russo- Japanese War
As a result, in 1904 Japanese forces attacked and ecentually defeated Russia in the Russo=Japanese War. The defeat shocked many Russians and added to growing unrest ad calls for change. -
Franz Ferdinand is killed
In the midist of the tensions and resentment the serbs felt toward Austria- Hungary, the archduke of Austria-Hungary, Franz Ferdinand. -
U.S joins WWI
The repeated attacks on shipping moved the United States closer to declaring war aginst Germany. Ub Febuary of 1917, the discoveery of the so-called Zimmerman Note provided the final push. The Zimmermann Note was a secret message from German diplomat Arthur Zimmermann to officals in Mexico in with Germany proposed the Mexico attack the United States. -
Mussolini's Fascist Party in Italy
Mussolini, who became known as the leader, wanted to build a great and glorious Italian empire. In 1919 he founded the National Fascist Party. The party took its name from the latin word fasces, which referred to an ancient Roman symbol for the unity and strength of the state. -
Treaty of Versailles is signed
After difficult negotiations , the Allies finally compromised on the Treaty of Versailles. The treaty was named after the French palace of Versailles, where the treaty singing took place. -
Russia becomes the USSR
By 1922 the Russian economy was beginning to improve. The same year, Russia reunited with several neighboring lands thst had been part of the Russian Empire before 1917. The new country was called the Union of Soviet Union. -
Nafta is formed
Stalin's rule in the USSAR begins
Soviet leader Vladimis Lenin had died in 1924, shortly after the communist soviet Union was formed. After a struggle for power, Joseph Stalin became the Soviet leader. -
Black tuesday stock Market crash
The worst day was october 29, known as Black tuesday. on that single day, investors sold off 16 million shares. With few people wanting to buy the stocks that flodded the market, stock prices collapsed completely. -
Mikhail Gorbachev power in USSR
Hitler becomes changellor of germany
Once in power, Hitler began to crush his opposition. Mant of his opponents were arrested; others were intimidated by Nazi thugs. By these means, Hitler bullied the German legislature into giving him dictatorial powers. -
Germany attacks poland-WWII begins
Just days after reaching his greement with the Soviets, Hitler was ready for all-out war. on September1, 1939, Germany launched an attack on Poland. This assault marked the start of World War II -
U.S declares war on Japan
Nuremberg trials are held
U.S. drops A-Bomb on Hiroshima
Apartheid in South Africa
Korean war is fought
Fidel Castro's communism in cuba
Vietnam War is fought
Mao Zedong's peoples Ruplic of China
Lenun's Bolshevik Revolution in Russia
A small group known as the Bolsheviks sought to change life in russia through revolution. Led by Vladimir Lennin, the Bolsheviks wanted to overthrow the czar so that the proletrait the industrial workers could gain the power to rule russia as a socialist country. -
Persian Gulf war begins
USSR collapses & Russia is back
WTO is formed