1837 Rebellion

  • Invasion to Upper Canada

    Invasion to Upper Canada
    American brigadier William Hull and his army invadedd Upper Candada from Detroit.
  • War Declaration

    War Declaration
    President James Madison sent the government of Great Britain a letter but without intending to start a war.
  • The War Begins

    The War Begins
    President Madison signed the measure into law and officially declared war on Great Britain, this declarationm holds the title of the closest vote to declare war in history.
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

  • U.S. Doubles Custom Duties

    U.S. Doubles Custom Duties
    The picture is of the flag in 1812, with only 15 stars and 15 stripes.
  • Fort Dearborn Massacre

    Fort Dearborn Massacre
    A battle fought between the U.S. and the Indians, in the end the Indians won.
  • Hull Surrenders to Brock

    Hull Surrenders to Brock
    General William Hull surrenders to Sir Isaac Brock in Detroit
  • Brock Goes Down

    Brock Goes Down
    Brock is killed at Queenston Heights.
  • U.S. Defeats HMS Macedonian

  • American Retreat

    The Americans retreat from Eastern Canada.
  • Americans Attack Fort Erie

    Americans Attack Fort Erie
  • Battle of Frenchtown

    Battle of Frenchtown
  • Raid of Ogdensburg

    Raid of Ogdensburg
    The picture is of Macdonell leading the brave soldiers into battle
  • Raid of Fort Vallonia

    Raid of Fort Vallonia
    The picture is a plaque to show where Fort Vallonia once was in Indiana, US
  • Raid of York

    Raid of York
    The picture is of a man standing infront of what is left of the war.
  • Battle of Fort Mims

    Battle of Fort Mims
    This is the artist's depiction of what happened at the battle, but the artist himself was not present at the war.
  • The Burning of Niagra

    The Burning of Niagra
    This is a chalk pastel of what was left of the burning of Niagra.
  • Capture of Fort Niagra

    Capture of Fort Niagra
    Took place in New York, US
  • Calabee Creek

    Calabee Creek
    This is the map of Calabee Creek before the fighting started.
  • Attack on Fort Oswego

    Attack on Fort Oswego
    This is place is now Ontario, and the picture is of a battle taking place on Lake Ontario.
  • Battle of Cedar Point

    Battle of Cedar Point
    The picture shows the start of the battle of Cedar Point.
  • Battle of Chippawa

    Battle of Chippawa
    In this picture Winfield Scott leads his infantry brigade forward.
  • Fort Sullivan

    Fort Sullivan
  • Battle of Stonington

    Battle of Stonington
  • Battle of Fort Erie

    Battle of Fort Erie
    General Drummond began a siege of Fort Erie.
  • Battle of Lake Borgne

    Battle of Lake Borgne
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
  • Battle of Fort St.Philip

    Battle of Fort St.Philip
  • Battle of St.Mary's RIver

    Battle of St.Mary's RIver
  • The 92 Resolutions: Rejected

    The 92 Resolutions: Rejected
    The 92 Resolutions, a list of political and economic reforms drawn up by Papineau and his supporters are rejected by the British government.
  • Quebec Protests British Decision

    Quebec Protests British Decision
    Assemblies held throughout Québec in protest against the British decision. The picture is of who the Quebec were protesting against.
  • Montreal Organizes Political Organization

    500 young patriotes in Montreal organize a radical political organization called Fils de la Liberte, (Sons of Liberty)
  • Fils De La Liberte Publish a Manifesto

    Fils De La Liberte Publish a Manifesto
    They publish a manifesto calling for the election of a republican government in Lower Canada.
  • Bishop Fights Patriotes

    Bishop Fights Patriotes
    The patriotes raise a liberty pole carrying the inscription "A Papineau, ses compatriotes reconnaissants, 1837. "
  • Brown Establishes Camp

    Brown Establishes Camp
    The general of the Fils establish camp.. A detachment of British troops under the command of Wetherall leaves Montreal and goes to Chambly.
  • Papineau Steps Down

    Papineau leaves the colony.
  • Gore Torches Saint-Denis

    Gore Torches Saint-Denis
  • Period: to

    Rebellion of 1837

  • Patriote Dies Out

    Last patriote resistance is crushed at Saint-Benoet.
  • Patriote Easily Defeated

    A patriote army of 300 is defeated after 30 minutes of fighting by British regulars under Colborne at Lacolle.
  • Patriote Defeated Again

    Patriote Defeated Again
    Main patriote army of 600 men is defeated at Odelltown. Attempt to capture Robert Nelson fails.
    The picture is of Odelltown today.
  • Battle of the Windmill

    Battle of the Windmill
    The battle started on the 11th and ended on the 16th.
  • Patriotes Disperse

    Patriotes Disperse
    Patriotes at Boucherville disperse without a fight, marking the definitive end of the second rebellion in Lower Canada.
  • 855 People Arrested

    In Lower Canada 855 people are arrested under a new martial law (that would be the equivalent of 10,000 people in 1970)