Industrial Revolution
The era, of power driven machinery was the industrial revolution it began in Great Britan. Very many inventions were developed in the industrial revolution. These very many machines helped improve the daily life f many people. -
1st steam engine is built
The steam engine was built in England in 1712 by James Watt. HSI invention was faster and more improved for driving machinery. In 1800 there were more than 500 of his machines driving around in mines. -
Mexico declares independence
In 1810 in a small town in mexico, a creole priest named Father Miguel Hidalgo made the first public call for Mexico's independence. Mexico was a spanish colony with a mixture of creoloes, penninsulares, indians and people o fmixed races. Napoleans conquest fro spain was the spark for Mexico's independence. -
Micheal Faraday's dynamo
Discovered the connection between magnetism and electricity. This discovery led to the dynamo, a machine that generated electricity by moving a magnet through and around a copper wire. He used this machinery to power and electric motor. -
Taiping rebellion
Hong and his followers captured large teritories in southeastern China and by 1853 controlled the cuty of Naijang. The taiping army was defeated in 1864. More than 20 million chinese people died in Taiping Rebellion. -
Sepoy Mutiny in India
Karl Marxs Das Kapital
Das KApital was a 3 part work he put forth his arguments against capitalism. One of it's evil he said capitalism disrupts the relationship between labor and profit. He thought there should be a direct connection between one's work and one's pay. -
The Meji Resoration
franco - prussian war
After the victory in Austro Prussia War it would tak another to get a unified Germany. In 1871 with the southern German states help, Bismark secured a Prussian War Victory and won the war. The peace treaty declared the unification of Germany. -
Spanish- American War begins
The cubans struggled for fredoom as simliar to their own American Revolution U.S. newspapers printed stories in large events that happened in Cub. In febuary 1898 th U.S. battleship the maine mysteriously exploded in Havana's harbor and many Americans immmeditaly assumed that spain was responscible. Congress Declared the spainish american war began. -
Boxer Rebellion
Franz Ferdinand is killed
Franz Ferdinand decided to visit the Bonsion City of Sarajevo. On june 28 1914 a Franz ferdinand car drove through Sarajevo streets a young siberian man. Gravillo Pricip opened fire adn shot killing the archduke and the archdukes wife. -
Lenin's Bolshevik Revolution russia
U.S. joins WWI
Treaty of Versi is signed
The treaty of versialles was signed at Versi. The treaty basically said that Wilons germany had to pay alot of money to the war victims. The treaty also said that they had to take full resposcibility for the war and conflict. -
Mussolini's Facist Party In Italy
Germany attacks Polland WWII
Russia Becomes the USSR
Russo Japenese War
Black Tuesdsay Stock Market Crash
The worst day ever was known as October 29 black tuesday. Stock prices had collapsed nobody wanted to buy anything. Many inventors tried to borrown money but went in debt from the loans from banks. -
Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
After he was relaeased from prison he continued to work and gain power. As the Great Depression got worse Germany wanted a strong and good leader. He most strong with the Germany political Parties. -
U.S. declares war on japan
Japan attacks on Pearl harbor
Stalin's rule in the USSR begins
D Day
Soviet union forced the Axis armies back toward Gemany. Allies were finalizing there plans ffor an invasion of Western Europe. In D-day allies enforcment in France. Over 15,0000 troops landed on the beaches of Narmanday. -
Period: to
Numberg Trials are held
Alllied milatray used over 200 Nazi and milittary officials. Several dozen were sentenced to death. Holocaust and in the war crimes. Allies tried to established a list to abolish Germany of any remmants bringing in and Nazi parties. -
U.S. Drops A- Bomb on Hiroshima
Apartheid in South Africa
Mao Zedong's People's Republic of China
Korean War is fought
Vietnam War is fought
Fidel Castro Communism in Cuba
Mikhail Gorbachev power in USSR
Persian Gulf war begins
USSR collapses & Russia is back
NAFTA is formed
WTO is formed