Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution first began in Great Britain, caused by various political and economic events. Jethro Tull, Robert Fulton and James Watt were just a few people who invented products to help with agriculture and city life. The Industrial Revolution eventually spread to many cities throughtout Europe. -
1st successful steam engine is built
Mexico declares its independence
Napolean conquesting Spain inspired the mixure of creales, peninsulares, Indians and people of mixed races to declare Independence. The first person to actually make a speech, though, was Father Miguel Hidalgo. -
Michael Faraday's Dynamo
Michael Faraday discovered how electricity and magnetism is connected in 1831m which then led to the dynamo This machine generated electricity by moving a magnet through a coil of copper wire, and was used to power a motor. -
Taiping rebellion
When the Qing dynasty failed to keep the Western Powers away, a series of rebellions began. Hong Xiuquan was the most powerful leader, and wanted to create a "Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace". The movement in an attempt to create this said kingdom was called the Taiping Rebellion. -
Sepoy Mutiny in India
Strained relationships between the Indians and the British eventually led to a rebellion; the Sepoy Mutiny. A gun which was invented had pork and grease fat on the end of an ammunition cartridge, and this act offended Muslims and Hindu's. The violence was very brutal, with people being strapped to cannons and shot, and women and children slaughtered. -
Karl Marx's "Das Kapital"
The Meiji Restoration
The Franco-Prussian War
During the course of the war, several major events occured: Napolean III was captured, leading to the French Assembly. The treaty to end the war caused Austria to surrender, it left only three state in the South. This war also helped unify Germany. -
Spanish-American War begins
Cuba defeated the Spanish army, and the war was won by the United States within three months. By winning the war, the United states also signed a treaty to recieve Puerto Rico and Guam, and Phillipines was purchased for $20 million. However, Cuba could not have their own independence. -
Boxer Rebellion
Russo-Japananese War
Japan was busy building an empire, but Russia became a threat, or at least viewed as one. The Japanese forces attacked Russia, and defeated them. This war was named the Russo-Japanese War. -
Franz Ferdinand is killed
Lenin's Bolshevik Revolution in Russia
U.S. joins World War I
Treaty of Versailles is signed
Mussolini's Fascist Party in Italy
Mussolini was also known as Il Duce, and founded the National Fascist Party. Fascists are aggressive, and want their own leader to makes all big decisions -
Russia becomes the USSR
Stalins Rule in the USSR begins
Black Tuesday Stock Market crash
Stock market prices crashed, and many of the investors that borrowed money had to sell it in order to repay their loans. This event ruined many investors, and the banks were in great financial trouble, too. -
Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
Hitler discovered that European leaders didn't want to fight himany more, and after he gained control of the military, he strengthened the army that had become so weak after World War I. The Treaty of Versailles was not being followed with his actions, but no one questioned him. Instead, a new treaty was created that also went against the Treaty of Versailles, but it was created as a diversion. -
Germany attacks Poland - World War II begins
U.S. declares war on Japan
Japan attacks on Pearl Harbor
The Soviets knew this invasion would be a hard one, because it had to come by sea and made directly against the strong German positions. George Marshall and Dwight Eisenhower led the Allies. Over 150,000 troops forced their way through the German defenses. They were eventually broken through in July, and by the end of August, Paris had been surrendered, -
U.S. drops A-bomb on Hiroshima
THe atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima all started when Japan did not respond to the Allies issue for Japans surrender. THe bomb was dropped, and more than 70,000 people were killed instantly. Another bomb was dropped in Nagasaki, causing 75,000 more people to die. Many more people died because of radiation poisoning. -
Nuremberg trials are held
Apartheid in South Africa
When the Afrikaner-dominated National Party took over the South African government, the amount of racial discrimintaiton went up, which made the party institute apartheid. This action separated people into four groups: White, Black, Colored, and Asian. With whites being superior, apartheid attempted to impose harsh controls over nonwhites and cause other races to not have as much freedom, and have many more rules than whites. -
Korean War is fought
Mao Zedong's People's Republic of China
Fidel Castro's Communism in Cuba
Vietnam War is fought
Persian Gulf War begins
Saddamm Hussein continued to build up Iraqs army despite the fact that it was already the largest army in the Arab world. The UN passed sanctions against Irag, which unfortunately failed. After the war, the UN continued with the sanctions, but Irag did not cooperate. -
Mikhail Gorbachev power in USSR
USSR collapses & Russia is back
NAFTA is formed
WTO is formed