Timeline image

Zach Simonsen

  • Industrial Revolution

    The Industrial Revolution started in Great Brittain. This was possible becasue of Great Brittain's displaced farmers and rich bussiness men. Also it helped that they had an abundance of iron, coal and streams.
  • 1st Succesful Steam Engine

  • Mexico Declares its Independence

  • Micheal Faraday's Dynamo

    Micheal Faraday discovered the dynamo when he made the connection between magnetism and electricity. The dynamo works by spinning a magnet through a coil of copper wire. His discoveries with the dynamo led to the creation of electric generators.
  • Taiping Rebellion

  • Sepoy Mutiny in India

  • Karl Marx's "Das Kapitol"

  • The Meiji Restoration

  • Franco-Prussian War

    During this war Napoleon III was captured in battle, and surrendered. The shameful defeat led the French Assembly to depose Napoleon. The Third Republick was created right there after.
  • Spanish-American War Begins

  • Boxer Rebellion

  • Russo-Japanese War

    The Japanese attacked and eventually defeated Russia. The attacks were only started because Japan saw Russia as a threat. The defeat shocked many Russians and added to growing unrest.
  • Franz Ferdinand is Killed

  • Lenin's Bolshevik Recolution in Russia

  • U.S. joins WW1

  • Mussolini's Fascist Party in Italy

  • Treaty of Versailles is signed

  • Russia Becomes the USSR

  • Stalin's Rule in the USSR Begins

  • Black Tuesday Stock Market Crash

  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany

  • Germany Attacks Poland - WW2 Begins

  • Japan attack on Pearl Harbor

  • U.S. Declares War on Japan

  • D-Day

  • U.S. Drops A-Bomb on Hiroshima

  • Nuremberg Trials are Held

  • Apartheid in South Africa

  • Korean War is Fought

  • Fidel Castro's Communism in Cuba

  • Vietnam War is Fought

  • Mao Zedong’s People’s Republic of China

  • Mikhail Gorbachev Power in USSR

  • Persian Gulf War Begins

  • USSR collapses & Russia is Back

  • NAFTA is Formed

  • WTO is Formed