1800-1900 Timeline of Major US/ World/ TX History

  • Period: to

    1800-1900 US / World / Texas History

  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
    Dates: 1800-1865
    Where: South to North or Canada
    Important People: Free/ Enslaved Black Community, Harriet Tubman, Northern Abolitionist, Church Leaders (Quaker Thomas Garret), Harriet Beecher Stowe's Novel ("Uncle Toms Cabin)
    -Helped enslaved black people escape to free states
    -In defiance of the Fugitive Slave Acts
    -Slaves seeking refuge
    -40,000 to 100,000 freed slaves
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    Where: 828,800 square miles of the French Territory "La Louisiane"
    (present day Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, parts of: Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Northeastern New Mexico, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and Louisiana)
    Important People: Thomas Jefferson
    -Land was purchased for $15 million in US bonds (less than $0.05 an acre)
    - Expansion: doubled the size of the US / New land and new opportunities
    -No war or loss of life
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    Where: US, Golf Coast of US, Canada, Atlantic and Pacific Ocean
    Important People: US and Britain
    -Canadian and Native Americans lost their right to self-govern
    -Marks the end of the Federalist Party
    -Boosted National self-confidence and encouraged growth of American expansion
    -New generals produced: Andrew Jackson, Jacob Brown, Winfield Scott
    -Aided in the Presidency of Jackson, John Q. Adams, James Monroe, and William Henry Harrison
    -Jackson signed the Declaration of war against Britain
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    Where: Issued to Congress
    Important People: US President James Monroe (later referenced by Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan)
    -US policy toward the Western Hemisphere
    - Lands in American were not to be colonized by European Powers
    -Prevention of European powers from establishing new colonies
    -Any colonization attempts would demonstrate aggression toward US
    -US would not involve itself in an European affairs
    Image is a political cartoon of James Monroe and US
  • Trial of Tears

    Trial of Tears
    Where: Indian Territory in the US
    Important People: Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Black Hawk, John Ross, Winfield Scott
    -"Trail of Tears" was a collective suffering for Natives
    - Forced relocation of 100,000 indigenous people in SE regions that were designated Indian Territory (West of Mississippi River)
    -Route was 5,045 miles long (9 States)
    -Recorded 15,000 died during relocation
    -Congress passed the Indian Removal Act (1830) and provided $500,000 for transport / compensation
  • Texas Revolution / War of TX Independence

    Texas Revolution / War of TX Independence
    Where: Texas / Mexican Texas
    Important People: Mexico / TX Colonist
    -Began October 1835 and lasted until April 1836
    - Began with the Battle of Gonzales
    - Ended with Texas Independence from Mexico
    -The Republic of Texas was founded
    -Major battle: Battle of San Jacinto
  • Annexation of Texas

    Annexation of Texas
    Where: Texas
    - Texas was annexed by the US and entered the US as a slave state
    -Texas became the 28th state
    -Settlers from the US who lived in Mexican Texas wanted independence
    -Congress annexed Texas
    -Catalyst to the start of the Mexican American War
  • Mexican American War

    Mexican American War
    Where: Mexico / Texas
    Important People: US President James K. Polk (and his idea of the Manifest Destiny)
    - Mexican Calvary attacked a group of US soldiers in the disputed zone under General Zachary Taylor
    -Siege to Fort Texas along the Rio Grande
    - First US armed conflict on foreign soil
  • Juneteenth

    Where: Galveston, TX
    Important People: African Americans in Texas / Union Major General Gordon Granger
    -Emancipation Day!
    -General Gordon Granger read the Juneteenth proclamation to the people of Galveston TX
    -Ended slavery in the US
    -Troops in Galveston TX took control of TX to make sure all enslaved people were freed
    -Still celebrated to this day!
  • Plessy V. Ferguson

     Plessy V. Ferguson
    Where: New Orleans Court
    Important People: Plessy, Judge John F. Ferguson
    -The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment was in question for violation
    -Upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation
    -Under the "separate but equal" doctrine
    -Case from a 1982 incident where Homer Plessy refused to sit in the car for black people
    -Jim Crow legislation
    -Louisiana state law was upheld for black and white separate accommodations