the beginning of the end...
A beautiful boy was born at 5:30 am, in cypress hospital in Cypress Texas. I was the second born child, but my sister was a cecarian, and my mother thought "once a cecerian, always a ceceraian", but i thought differently, and decided to come out naturally. to top it off, i came too fast for them to give my mother any form of drug, so i came in this world, painfully, and natural...kinda funny... -
Agent of Sociolization-Death
this is the day that my older sister was very sick, turns out it was meningitis, and by the time my mother got her to the hospital, there was really nothing they could do...i was about to turn 3 so i dont remeber any of it... -
Socialization-Institution School
I started to be utterly socialized, i had been used to being around larger groups of people, because my family is very large, but now was the time for me to be tossed into the lions den as it were...new faces, with new veiws, and new priorities. -
moving from texas, to colorado, was a drastic change, that totally forced me to accept a new form of veiw, and lifestyle from what i had learned in texas. luckily since i was so young, i adjusted very smoothly. -
Crime/ Suicide-Columbine shooting
this is the day that most potently affected my environment and created and atmosphere of crime and suicide, even more so than ever before. -
Social conformity-paranoia of the end!!!
everyone was like freaking out x-core around this time, like "oh no, the end of the world, planes will fall out of the sky, computers will explode, Nazis riding on dinosaurs!!!" utter deliscious madness lol. -
Military Status
The World trade center in New York Cuty, New York was destroyed, signaling the begininng of a war that would drag on for years, spreading out to different countries in the middle east, and creating many problems here in America. -
Conditioning, and pressure to conform to norms, and TABOO!!!
two little years, utterly filled with drama, hatred, and pathetic sadness. I came back from summer break to find my best friends wanted nothing to do with me, everyone hated me, i eventually was forced to come out to my parents as gay ...generally a not-fun time for everyone... -
Labeling Theory...
I started becoming a very agressive person at school, and outside of school, which earned me the label "bully" by administration in middleschool. bad boy hahaha -
Primary Deviance
i began going to raves, sneaking out of my house at night to go to parties, and just trying to enjoy my life because i was pretty disgustingly depressed and didnt like it at all, so yessss. -
Astigma...fun fun
i became known by everyone as the gay kid at school, and trust me, it gets very annoying when people want to be your friend simply so that they can refer to you as their "gay friend", and use every oprotunity to say how "ok with it" they are...pure bile -
Agent of Soc.-Media
Freshman year of high school, whooo hooo, how nice it is that people still havent let go what happened in middle school, pathetic. But i did make lots of new friends, had some boyfriends tossed in that year...sweeet...this is when i mainly progressed my style based on the whole goth scene, what a lovely conformist i am -
Assimilation- Band Camp
Summer band Camp...hell on earth, meant to help us learn to be the best band kids we could be, prctice drill, and memorize music, 8 hours a day everyday, for a week. -
Total looking glass self part of my life...
this is about when i really started to be a juggalo, i acted, thought, ate, slept, listened to, dated, everything wicked. looking back now, its pretty funny. -
Junior Year!!!!! ahhhhhh
this year was when i had my most serious relationship with a boy end, sad day, but other stuff happened too, like...umm...earthquake in China??? Olympics in China...scary number of people live there... -
Component of Culture- Value (need to contribute to society with job)
i begin work at hot topic in the mall by my house, its the perfect job for me, i get paid to talk to people, and listen to amazing music, and i learn about different artists working there too, like my new favorite band, ANGELSPIT!!!! ...oh, wait or COMBICHRIST!!!! -
Behaviorist idea, that now i am grown and shappen to a responsible adult...whoo
Finally a senior, joy of joys!!! gonna graduate, gonna make money, gonna go away and never come back -
i started taking sociology the class, taught by ms. weikel. the class was based around social sciences, social patterns, and finding the deeper meaning behind acts such as dweviance and suicide. -
More Socialization- Death/ Agent of Soc.-Family
my grandma died, creepy how every death on my mothers side of the family is in March, and our last name is Martin...you know the whole "mars" theme...kinda spooky. -
...18...Agent of Soc.-Government, from this point on i am considered an adult in the eyes of the government
yay...im almost 18, im super stoked, im gonna do everything that peoples of the age of 18 can do...lol, yay, wow im young, i think like everyone else around me is already 18