1750-1918 Overview

  • Electricity Discovered

    In this year static electricity was discovered.
  • Period: to

    Age of Enlightenment 1

    The age of enlightenment was a caltural movement
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

  • First Fleet Arrives

    The First Fleet is the name given to the eleven ships that left Great Britain, bound for Australia, on 13 May 1787. The passengers consisted of: 10 civil officers, 212 Marines, including officers, an additional 28 wives and 17 children of the marines, 81 free persons, 504 male convicts and 192 female convicts; the total number of free people was 348 and the total number of prisoners was 696, coming to a total of 1044 persons. The Fleet was sent to New South Wales.
  • Period: to

    Start-End Of Convict Transportation to America

    1788–1868 this is the era of which the transportation to america was happening. In 1868 is when the end of the convict transportation to America
  • Smallpox Outbreak (1789)

  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Battle of Copenhagen

    Battle of Copenhagen
  • Myalll Creek Massacre

  • End of Convict transportation to NSW

  • The Gold Rush

  • The Birth of the AFL

    the year a ledgendary sport was made
  • Period: to

    Boxer Rebellion

    Autumn 1899 – 7 September 1901
  • Federation of Australia

  • Anglo-Japanese Alliance

  • War Precutions Act 1914

  • Outberak of WWI

    Outberak of WWI
    28 July 1914
  • Landing at ANZAC Cove

    Landing at ANZAC Cove
  • Australians Left for War

  • Trading with the Enemy Act

  • Treaty Of Versallies

  • Anglo-Japanese Alliance Terminated

    Anglo-Japanese Alliance was terminated in 1923
  • Chinese Migration