1700-1800 Events

  • War of Spanish Succession

    The beginning of he last of Louis XIV's wars in attempt to takeover the continent
  • Deerfield of Mass.

    Massacre of English colonists by French and Indians
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain formed

    England, Wales, and Scotland joined by parliamentary.
  • Dictonary

    Samuel Johnson's published the dictionary.
  • Seven Years' War

    War between the French and Indian's in America that lasted 7 years.
  • Capture of Quebec

    British takeover Quebec from French.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The event that ended the Seven Years' War.
  • Stamp Act

    British force the a tax on stamps and all paper documents on the colonist.
  • Period: to

    AMerican Revolution

    Revolution that lead to the independence of the colonist from Great Britain.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre that occurred on King Street in Boston. Locals were harassing the British Army soldiers which resulted in the death of 5 locals shot by the soldiers.
  • Boston Tea Party

    A protest of the Tea Act that took play on May 10thearlierthat year.
  • Declaration Of Independance

    Document stating the independence of the thirteen colonies.
  • Constitution

    signing of the constitution
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    Most violent and one of the most significant revolutions in history.