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    War of the Grand Alliance

    Also known of the League of Augsburg, this is the third major war of Louis XIV. Louis’s plans were blocked by an alliance led by England, the United Provinces of the Nertherlands, and the Austrian Habsburgs. The main issue as the udnerlying balance of power between the rival of Bourbon nad Habsburg dynasties. (actually started in 1689)
  • Frederick is crowned King of Prussia

    Frederick was crowned King of Prussia because his kingdom is very historic to Prussia, but he wasnt actually king of Prussia because he only declared himself that.
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    War of Spanish Succession

    This war arose out of the disputed succession to the throne of Spain following the death Charles II, This war primarily struggled to determine whether the Spanish Empire should pass to the House of Bourbon or the House of Hasburg, or whether they should be partioned to preserve the balance of power in Europe.
  • Anne comes to throne of Britain

    Anne became queen upon William’s death. she had devotion to the Anglican church, and at the same time sought to be free from domination of the political parties.
  • England and Scotland now a part of Britain

    These two kingdoms joined a personal union in 1603, but when the Scottish King James VI became James I of England, they politically called themselves one kingdom called Great Britain. This led to the agreement between the Scottish and UK to eventually gain independence from referendum.
  • Protests for Industrialisation Begin

    Industrialisation brought a range of social issues that led to protests. As mahcinery replaced manual labor, people found themselves in hardships and without jobs.
  • Steam Engine Invented

    Thomas Savery invented the steam engine. It is a device commercially used to power steam and use pressue openly directed to the water.
  • Treaty of Utrecht

    Also called the Peace of Utrecht, this is a series of treaties between France and other European poers, and another series between Spain and other powers. This concluded the Spanish Succession,
  • Queen Anne Dies

    Anne was Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland between 1702-1707. When the kingdoms became one single sovereign state known as Great Britain, she continued reign until her death.
  • Louis XIV Dies and Louis XV succeeds

    Louis XIV, who became king at age five, died from a major infection in his leg, and Louis XV succeeded him and became a personal influence on French policy.
  • Peter the Great was made Emporer of Russia

    Peter I is credited for bringing Russia into the modern age. He implemented a variety of reforms that included revamping the Russian calendar and alphabet and reducing the Ortodox Church.
  • Peter the Great Dies

    Peter the Great was a Russian Emporer and known for bringing Russia to the modern age. He died from a bladder infection at fifty-two years old after his reign for forty-two years.
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    First Great Awakening

    Religious revival in British American colonies. Under the leadership of Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield, the region was revitilized through religion.
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    War of Polish Succession

    This war determined the successor of the king of Poland, Augustus II The Strong. This war resulted in redistributin\on of Italian territory and an increase in Russian influeunce over Polish affairs.
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    French and Indian War

    This war was over tthe specific issue of whether the upper Ohio River Valley was a part of british Empire and open for trade and settlement by Virginians and Pennsylvanians, or if it was a part of the French Empire.
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    Seven Years War

    The last major conflict before the French Revolution that involved all the great powers of Europe. Usually included France, Austria, Saxony, Sweden and Russia being aligned against Prussia, Hanover, and Great Britains. They were trying to win over the rich province of Silesia. It involved overseas struggles between Great Britain and France, mainly struggling for the control of North AMerica.
  • Stamp Act introduced

    The first British Parliamentary attempt to raise revenue through taxation of papers, pamphlets, cards, and any other colonial commercial and legal papers.
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    American Revolution

    Also known as the United States War of Independence or the American Revolutionary War, this included thirteen of Great Britain’s North American colonies who won independence and went off to form the United States of America.
  • Declaration of Independence Adopted

    Approved by continental congress on July 4, 1776 which announced separation of 13 separate colonies from Great Britain. They formed the United States and we now celebrate Independence Day or the Fourth of July.
  • BIfocals Invented Benjamin Franklin

    Bifocals are used to focus on two separate distances by Benjamin Franklin, whule others preceeded him by inventing the trifocals.
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    French Revolution

    This revolutionary movement was caused by a few reasons. Many people who had common jobs, like merhcants and manufacturers, had gained financial power but had no political power. The king also sought to increase the tax burden on the poor which made the revolution inevitable. The French Revolution did not really succeed anyways because democracy and basic property rights took ahold.