
  • Invention of the Telescope

    Invention of the Telescope
    The telescope was invented by Zachariah Jensen an eyeglass maker. This later aided in astronomy. ( Joseph Kiprop pg.1).
  • Kalmar War

    Kalmar War
    "The Kalmar War was one of a series of wars between Sweden and Denmark. It was caused by rivalry between the two powers in the Baltic and by Swedish efforts to gain control of Finnmark, the area to the north of Lapland" (Rickard J. pg. 1).
  • Period: to

    Kalmar War

    (when it started and ended)
  • Thirty Year War

    Thirty Year War
    "The Thirty Years' War, a series of wars fought by European nations for various reasons, ignited in 1618 over an attempt by the king of Bohemia (the future Holy Roman emperor Ferdinand II) to impose Catholicism throughout his domains. Protestant nobles rebelled, and by the 1630s most of continental Europe was at war." Amanda Onion, Missy Sullivan and Matt Mullen pg 1).
  • Period: to

    Thirty Year War

    (when it started and ended)
  • Scientific Method

    Scientific Method
    Was created by Francis Bacon it as a guideline for experiments.
  • Powhatan War

    Powhatan War
    The Powhatan War was between Virginia and Southern Maryland. The war started because the English men started taking over the Indians land.
  • Period: to

    Powhatan War

    (when it started and ended)
  • Galileo Galilei Death

    Galileo Galilei who was considered to be a great scientist during his time died. (William Harris pg. 4)
  • Invention of the Air pump

    Invention of the Air pump
    Otto von Guericke created the air pump. (Adam Augustyn, Adam Zeidan, Alicja Zelazko pg.1)
  • Newtons Law

    Newtons Law
    Newton discovered the idea and concept of gravity. He had this idea when an apple fell on him, and later with lots of research the idea of gravity was created.