Queen Elizabeth dies, James I becomes king
James I reign last for 22 years -
Jamestown is founded
The first successful British colony is founded in North America. -
Jamestown is founded
First successful English colony is founded -
The Thirty Years War
Lasted from 1618 to 1648. Fought Primarily in Central Europe. Resulted in nearly 8 million casualties. One of the most destructive conflicts in human history. -
The Eleven Years Tyranny
King Charles ruled without recourse -
The Eleven Years Tyranny
King Charles rued without recourse -
The English Civil War begins
Between King Charles and parliament -
English Civil War begins
fight between king and parliament -
Act of Uniformity
All persons had to go to church once week or were fined -
The Great Fire of London
Most of London is destroyed by the fire -
Great Fire of London
Most of London is destroyed -
The Test act is passed
An act for preventing dangers which may happen from popish recusants -
Bill of Rights is passed
The first 10 amendments of the US Constitution -
Bill of Rights
First 10 amendments of the US constitution -
Invention of Steam Engine
Thomas Savery invents first steam engine -
Steam Engine
Thomas Savery invents first steam engine