
  • Period: 1509 to 1547

    Henry VIII's reign

    He is one of the most famous and emblematic English Kings.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther publishes his book ''ninety-five theses''

    Martin Luther publishes his book ''ninety-five theses''
    Indulgences where denounces, especially by Martin Luther who wrote ''The ninety-five theses'' back to 1517. He protested the sale of indulgences. On October 31 1517, he nailed his critique to the door of the university of Wittenberg, he was excommunicated and declared a heretic.
  • 1526

    The Tyndall bible

    The Tyndall bible
    William Tyndale translated the New Testament into English which was published in 1526 in England.
  • 1534

    Act of supremacy

    Act of supremacy
    In 1534 the king was made ''Supreme head of the Church of England'' after the King's great matter happened (he wanted a divorce with Catherine of Aragon since the latter couldn't give him an heir) and the Pope did not allowed it.
  • Period: 1547 to 1553

    Edward VI's reign

  • 1549

    Publication of the book of common prayer

    Publication of the book of common prayer
    Edward VI was fiercely Protestant and decided a revision of the mass-book where Roman Catholic practices were eradicated.
  • Period: 1553 to 1558

    Mary Tudor's reign

    During her reign, Queen Mary I had made England a Catholic country again undoing the work of Henry VIII and King Edward VI.
  • Period: 1558 to

    Elizabeth I's reign

  • 1559

    The act of supremacy and uniformity

    The act of supremacy and uniformity
    The queen became ''Supreme Governor of the Church of England”and the authority of the Pope was abolished. Every parish had to use the Book of Common Prayer and people who did not attend an Anglican service were fined.
  • 1569

    The northern Rebellion

    The northern Rebellion
    Rebellions against new religious reforms in order to replace Queen
    Elizabeth by Mary Queen of Scots.
  • Feb 25, 1570

    Excommunication of Elizabeth the First

    Excommunication of Elizabeth the First
    In 1570 Pope Pius V excommunicates Elizabeth the First by way of a Papal Bull where he calls her an ''heretic''.
  • 1581

    Rule to paint the queen's portrait

    Rule to paint the queen's portrait
    In order to paint the Queen’s portrait, painters needed to go through a long journey of training ; 7 years.
  • The execution of Mary of Scots

    The execution of Mary of Scots
    Mary Queen of Scots was the daughter of King James V of Scotland and Mary of Guise. In 1568, Mary was involved in a civil war in
    Scotland, and had to flee to England. Elizabeth imprisoned her since she was Elizabeth's legitimate heir and represented a threat. She was executed in 1587 in Fotheringham Castle, she was wearing a red dress who symbolized the colour of Catholic martyrs.
  • The defeat of the Spanish Armada

    The defeat of the Spanish Armada
    Philip II, the Catholic King of Spain supported several plots against Elizabeth and attempted to invade England, it was a defeat and England was victorious.
  • James I is crowned

    James I is crowned
  • The Gunpower Plot

    The Gunpower Plot
    The gunpower plot is a Conspiracy devises by a small Group of Catholic to blow up King James I and the Parliament
  • Great contrat

    Great contrat
    A Plan instaurer to get rid of the Crown's dept that James I inherited and were reinforced by the latter's extravagance
  • The King James' Bible is completed

    The King James' Bible is completed
    A new English translation of the Bible made to prove the King's supremacy
  • Period: to

    The thirty years' war

    The longest conflict in European history, England was at war with Spain and France.
  • Period: to

    James I

    Son of Mary, Queen of Scots
  • James I's death

    James I's death
    He died of natural causes, in his bed.
  • Petition of Rights

    Petition of Rights
    A constitutionnel document made with MP's complaints.
    They requested the king to recognise the illegality of extra-
    parliamentary taxation, billeting, martial law, imprisonment without tria and they wanted to get Charles to recognise that there were limits to his powers
  • The three resolutions

    The three resolutions
    An act passed by the MP where they declared ennemies those who would try to Bring in 'popetery or Arminianism', alter the protestant form of the Church if England and advise the King to collet custom duites without Parliament's consent.
  • The introduction of the book of common prayer

    The introduction of the book of common prayer
    A new payer book which set Scotland aflame, the changes were unacceptable.
  • The grand Remonstrance

    The grand Remonstrance
    an important document voted by parliament after heated debated it summarized all the wrong doing of CHarles I and concluded on ‘revolutionary’ demands
  • Charles I declares war on Parliament

    Charles I declares war on Parliament
    Charles I raised an Army against the wishes of the Parliament, which caused the English Civil Wars
  • Battle of Naseby

    Battle of Naseby
    The Battle of Naseby was a turning point and saw the Royalist forces weaken.
  • Period: to

    The Second civil

  • Period: to

    The Interregnum

    Between toi reigns, two Kings.
  • Execution of Charles I

    Execution of Charles I
    King Charles I was beheaded on the pavement of Whitehall.
  • England is declared a Commonwealth

    England is declared a Commonwealth
    Monarchy was abolished as well ah The House of Lords. The House of Commons had the supreme Authority and England was ruled as a Republic.
  • The instrument of Government

    The instrument of Government
    England's first and only written constitution
  • Cromwell dissolves the rump

    Cromwell dissolves the rump
    They were problems with the Rump Parliament ; a slow progress with electoral reform and the Army was getting increasingly irritated by the Rump.
  • End of the Commonwealth

    End of the Commonwealth
    The end of the Commonwealth marked the start of the Protectorate.
  • The declaration of Breda

    The declaration of Breda
    The declaration promised a general amnesty, religious toleration and the power was shared with the Parliament in return for the restauration of Monarchy.
  • The Restoration

    The Restoration
    Charles II was declared King of England.
  • The act of uniformity

    The act of uniformity
    All ministers had to swear to conform to the Book of Common prayer.
  • outbreak of Plague

    outbreak of Plague
  • Great Fire of London

    Great Fire of London
    A devastating Fire that helped with the pandémie of the plague.
  • The glorious revolution

    The glorious revolution
    A revolution initiated by William of Orange who invaded England ans seized the crown.
  • The bill of Rights

    The bill of Rights
    A list clarifying who would inherit the throne. The Bill of right also set out the rights of Parliament and basic civil rights.
  • Act of union between England and Scotland

    Act of union between England and Scotland
    This act created the United Kingdom of Great Britain ; England, Scotland and Waled were reunited.