
By AdeleP
  • 1534

    Act of Supremacy

    Act of Supremacy
    The King (Henry VIII at the time) is the "Supreme Head of the Church of England".
  • 1536

    The Pilgrimage of Grace

    The Pilgrimage of Grace
    The Pilgrimage of Grace took place in the Yorkshire and the Lincolnshire and lasted 6 months in protestation of Henry VIII's dissolution of the monasteries and the Protestant Reformation.
  • 1549

    The Book of Common Prayer

    The Book of Common Prayer
    Revisions of the Mass Book led to the publication of the Book of Common Prayer written by Thomas Cranmer.
  • 1559

    The Second Act of Supremacy and The Act of Uniformity

    The Second Act of Supremacy and The Act of Uniformity
    Queen Elizabeth I abolished the authority of the Pope and declared that every parish had to use the Book of Common Prayer.
  • 1570

    Pope Pius V excommunicates Elizabeth I

    Pope Pius V excommunicates Elizabeth I
    In the papal bull "Regnans in Excelisis", the Pope Pius excommunicated the Queen and warned the Catholics against her and the Protestantism.
  • 1581

    The Act of Persuasions

  • The execution of Mary Queen of Scots.

    The execution of Mary Queen of Scots.
    Elizabeth I killed her cousin Mary to eliminate the danger that she represented for the crown and also because she was a Catholic. She made Mary a symbol of determination but also a warning for the Catholics that were plotting against her.
  • The defeat of the Spanish Armada

    The defeat of the Spanish Armada
    The King Philip II supported several plots against Elizabeth and planned the attack England. He failed due to multiples mistakes made by the Spanish, a bad weather and the new English ships.
  • Elizabeth I's death

    Elizabeth I's death
    in 1603, after 45 years of reign, the queen died and the King James IV of Scotland became the King of England.
  • The Gunpowder Plot

    The Gunpowder Plot
  • James I's death

    James I's death
  • Petition of Rights

    Petition of Rights
    The Parliament forced the King to sign a petition that would restrain his power. The King could no longer collect taxed the people without the Parliament's consent for example.
  • The Grand Remonstrance

    The Grand Remonstrance
    It designed an important document voted by Parliament after heated debates. It summarized all the wrong doing of Charles I and concludes on “revolutionary” demands.
  • Period: to

    The Commonwealth

  • The Instrument of Government

    The Instrument of Government
  • The Popish Plot

    The Popish Plot
    The French planned to replace the King Charles II by his brother James II that was Catholic.
  • The Glorious Revolution

    The Glorious Revolution
  • The Bill of Rights

    The Bill of Rights
    The Bill of Rights lists the King James II's misdeeds and fixed limitations on the sovereign's powers.
  • The Act of Union between England and Scotland

    The Act of Union between England and Scotland
    It is the creation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain encompassing England, Wales and Scotland.