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The War of Austrian Succession
The War of Austrian Succession was a European wide war involving the continent's power over the issue of Maria Theresa's succession to the realms of the House of Habsburgs. It opposed mainly, France, Prussia and Spain to The Habsburg Monarchy, Great Britain, the Dutch Republic and Russia. It ended with the Treaty of Aix-La-Chapelle, and Maria Theresa's retention of her crown, as well as some minor territorial changes. -
The Battle of Fontenoy
Plan de la bataille de Fontenoy The Battle of Fontenoy is a battle that was fought between the French, on one side and Dutch, British, Hanoverian, and Austrian troops on the other. The French led by Maurice de de Saxe, came out the victors in this battle because of his battle plan. It was an important victory for the French, though ultimately they failed to win the war. -
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French Revolutionnary Wars and Napoleonic Europe
The period following the French Revolution was a period of war in Europe generally and resulted in French hegemony over the continent. Napoleon's defeat brought about important territorial changes, such as the creation of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands, but it brought about the Congress of Vienna, and with it, a new balance of power to Europe. -
The Battle of Waterloo, (William Sadler)
The battle of Waterloo took place in present-day Belgium. It opposed French troops and troops of the Seventh Coalition.
The painting shows French troops being overrun by British and Prussian troops. The battle ended in a devastating French defeat which signalled the end of Napoleon's reign and French hegemony over Europe. -
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Italian Unification Wars
The Italian Unification Wars are a series of wars fought between 1859 and 1870. It was an effort led by Victor Emmanuel II king of Piedmont-Sardinia, Count Camillo di Cavour and Giuseppe Garibaldi. It ended with the Capture of Rome in September 1870 when King Emmanuel's forces defeated the Papal State for the control of Rome. These series of wars and the unification of Italy shaped European history and changed state boundaries in the Italian peninsula. -
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Franco-Prussian War
The Franco-Prussian War opposed the Second French Empire to the Kingdom of Prussia. The conflict was started as part of Bismarck's plan to unify Germany. It ended with the defeat of the French and the establishment of the Third French Republic, as well as the Unification of Germany. This conflict also played a significant part in starting WWI because of Germany's integration of Alsace and Lorraine. -
King Victor Emmanuel Address to Parliament, Rome
King Victor Emmanuel Address to Parliament, Rome. King Victor Emmanuel addresses the Italian parliament in Rome, after capturing the city from the Papal States and unifying the Italian peninsula. The king stresses the importance of restoring Rome to Italy for cultural, historical and geographical reasons. He looks ahead to the bright future of a reunited Italy, with the aim to catch up on the rest of the European powers -
The Imperial Proclamation
Imperial Proclamation Wilhelm I was proclaimed German Emperor when Germany was unified as a consequence of Prussia's victory in the Franco-Prussian Wars. In his oath, Wilhelm vows to protect the newly formed fatherland and its people, and looks forward to a prosperous future in a strong and united Germany, that can defend itself against French aggression better than it ever could before. -
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World War I
World War I opposed the Central Powers, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire against the Allied Powers, France, the United Kingdom, the United States and Russia. The Allied won the war. The first world war resulted in the fall of the Central Empires and the Russian Empire, and of the notion of empire as whole from Europe. It also brought about many territorial changes. -
President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points
Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points
In an address to a joint session of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, president Woodrow Wilson presented fourteen points in order to outline how to achieve peaceful, stable international order in the wake of the first world war. To do so, he stresses the need to create an international institutions that regulates relations between states. -
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World War II
World War II opposed the Axis, mainly Germany and Italy in Europe, and the Allies, mainly France, the United Kingdom, the USSR and the United States. It started with the German invasion of Poland in 1939 and ended with its surrender in 1945. It resulted in the military defeat of fascism, and in the division of Germany, and Europe after that between the USSR and the West. -
Raising a flag over the Reichstag, Yevgeny Khaldei
The picture is taken in 1945 Berlin by Yevgeny Khaldei and it depicts Soviet soldiers raising the USSR's flag over the Reichstag.This photo was published on May 13, 1945 in the Ogonyok magazine It is a symbolic picture that is meant to show the world the complete Soviet victory over Nazi Germany.