15 Ecology Disasters

  • Huang He China Floods

    • Summary description: (1887, 1931, 1938) Three massive China floods caused by the overflowing of Huang He (yellow river) the country’s second longest river. These three floods collectively killed millions of people and are known as the three deadliest floods in history. And are also known as some of the most deadliest disasters in history.
  • Hiroshima Bombing

    • Summary description: The bombing happened because the US and Japan were at war with each other, and the US dropped a nuclear bomb on the city of Hiroshima and killed millions of people and caused a mass amount of pollution and radiation.
  • Minamata disaster

    • Summary description: Minamata disease was first discovered in the city of Minamata, Prefecture, Japan, Minamata disease was caused by severe mercury poisoning. Signs and symptoms include numbness in the hands and feet, muscle weakness, loss of vision and in extreme cases insanity, paralysis, comas, and death. The disease was caused by the release of methylmercury in the industrial wastewater from a chemical factory owned by the Chisso corporation, which continued from 1932 to 1968.
  • Rachel Carson's Silent Spring

    • Summary description: Silent spring exposed the hazards of pesticide DDT. The book talked about and explained how DDT was causing a massive amount of harm to the environment and nature that DDT was used around.in 1964 DDT was seen as harmful through more research and the help of Carson’s Silent Spring by the public eye which got DDT banned in the USA and some other countries.
  • Bhola Cyclone

    • Summary description: was a devastating tropical cyclone that struck east Pakistan it remains one of the deadliest cyclones ever recorded in history. At least 300,000 people died to this cyclone and the estimated death record is around 500,000.
  • Stockholm Conference

    • Summary description: The first world conference to make the environment a major issue. The participants adopted a series of principles for sound management of the environment including the Stockholm declaration and the action plan for human environment, these collected major issues about the environment and told ways to solve them and make the environment a better place for countries.
  • Endangered Species Act

    • Summary description: The endangered species act protects fish, wildlife and plants that are listened to as endangered species. The act also helps prevent current species from being put into harm and maybe becoming endangered in the future.
  • Love Canal

    • Summary description: Companies used a canal as a landfill to constantly dump chemicals into, and the landfill exploded destroying and polluting the surrounding areas with multiple chemicals. The air was poisonous to breathe and caused many terrible effects to the living and nonliving.
  • Bhopal Disaster

    • Summary description: The Bhopal disaster was a chemical leak in the city of Bhopal, India which is called the worst industrial disaster in history. About 45 tons of methomyl isocyanate gas escaped from a insecticide plant killing thousands around the neighboring places around the plant. People tried to leave the state after hearing about the disaster, but many were already caught up in it causing eye soreness. Respiratory problems and even death.
  • Chernobyl Meltdown

    • Summary description: The meltdown was the result of a flawed nuclear reactor design and was worked by inadequately personnel which killed a lot of people and caused radiation through Chernobyl.
  • Montreal Protocol

    • Summary description: The protocol limits the usage of chemicals that affect the ozone layer which got rid of over 100 chemicals being used out in the open to reduce the ozone layer shrinking over time and to give it time to regenerate the layer back.
  • Kyoto Protocol

    • Summary description: The protocol limits the usage of greenhouse gases to make the planet’s air cleaner and less polluted and to also fix the breathing issues for some people.
  • Documentary Film: An Inconvenient Truth

    • Summary description: American documentary about former united states vice president Al Gore’s campaign to educate people about global warming and the effects it can happen on the world. Which raised awareness about the problems about global climate changes.
  • Sichuan Earthquake

    • Summary description: On 5/12/2008, the Sichuan earthquake hit southwestern China with a 7.9 – 8.0 magnitude earthquake. The cause of this earthquake was the shifting of the Indian-Australian and Eurasian plates on each other. Roughly 90,000 people were found dead or reported missing and never showed… over 5,000 of these being young children.
  • Haiti Earthquake

    • Summary description: On 1/12/2010, the Haitian earthquake hit Haiti and the Dominican Republic severely. Haiti occupying the western third of the island was affected the most intensely by this natural disaster. While the death toll’s sat around the 100,000 or so, the government’s official count was over 300,000, making this one of the worst natural disasters in history!