Early modern time 1450-1750

  • 1689

    Beginning of the rule of William and Mary in England.
  • 1453

    Was the Fall of Constantinople to the Turks
  • 1529

    The Turks besiege Vienna.
  • 1604

    New star (supernova), fully described by Kepler in De stella nova (1606), hence "Kepler's star."
  • 1605

    Francis Bacon (1561-1626) publishes Two Books of Francis Bacon, of the Proficiencie and Advancement of Learning, Divine and Human.
  • 1607

    Foundation of Virginia by the English.
  • 1608

    Was the Foundation of Quebec by the French
  • 1610

    Henry IV, King of France, is murdered. He is succeeded by his son, Louis XIII (d. 1643), during whose reign Cardinal Richelieu ruled France de facto.
  • 1611

    Was the year King James Bible is published.
  • 1612

    Foundation of New York by the Dutch.
  • 1618

    Beginning of the Thirty Years' War, which devastates much of the German region.
  • 1619

    Was the year First African slaves found in Virginia.
  • 1625

    Hugo Grotius publishes Law of War and Peace. Beginning of the reign of Charles I of England.
  • 1627

    Francis Bacon's New Atlantis is published posthumously.
  • 1636

    Was the Foundation of Harvard College
  • 1637

    René Descartes (1596-1650) publishes his Discourse on Method.
  • 1642

    Death of Galileo, Birth of Isaac Newton (1642-1727). Beginning of civil war in England (ended 1649).
  • 1649

    Charles I of England beheaded by Cromwell and the "Rump" Parliament.
  • 1657

    Foundation of the Accademia del Cimento in Florence, whose
    meetings last until 1667.
  • 1660

    Restoration of the English Monarchy. Foundation of the Royal Society of London.
  • 1661

    Charles II (d. 1685) crowned king of England Louis XIV (1643-1715) begins governing France. Robert Boyle (1625-1692) publishes The Skeptical Chymist.
  • 1667

    First issue of Journal des Sçavans published by the French Academy.
  • 1685

    Repeal of the Edict of Nantes in France.James II ascends the throne of England.
  • 1690

    Publication of Essay Concerning Human Understanding by John Locke (1632-1704)
  • 1492

    When Columbus landed in the New World as well the time when Jews and Moslems expelled from Spain and also when Vasco Da Game landed in Goa (Indian subcontinent)
  • 1500

    Was the Birth of Charles V of Hapsburg, who became Lord of the Netherlands in 1515,King of Spain in 1516,and was elected Holy Roman Emperor (German-speaking region) in 1519.He ruled most of Europe until his abdication in 1556.
  • 1509

    Was when Henry VIII ascends the throne of England. Ruled until 1547.
  • 1517

    Martin Luther nails his 95 theses to the door of the cathedral in wittenberg. During this time,it was also the beginning of the Protestant Reformation.
  • 1529

    The Turks besiege Vienna.
  • 1534

    Luther publishes his German bible.
  • 1536

    John Calvin (1509-1564) publishes his Institutes of Christian religion.
  • 1540

    Pope Paul III authorizes the Society of Jesus, founded by Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556).
  • 1541

    Calvin becomes the reformer (and de facto ruler) of Geneva.He occupies this function until his death in 1564.
  • 1543

    Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543) published De Revolutionibus
    Orbium Coelestium.
  • 1545

    The Beginning of the Council of Trent, which met 1545-1547,1551-1552,1562-1563.Last church council until Vatican council of 1870.)
  • 1553

    Michael Servetus (1511-1553), who denied the Trinity,

    burned at the stake by Calvin in Geneva.It was during the Foundation of the University of Mexico.
  • 1555

    Peace of Augsburg: victory for the Lutheran cause in Germany.
  • 1551

    The Foundation of the University of Lima.
  • 1558

    Elizabeth I of Tudor becomes Queen of England. Her rule lasts until her death in 1603.
  • 1562

    Beginning of wars of religion in France. These last until Henry IV of Navarre ascends the throne in 1589.
  • 1568

    Beginning of the revolt of the northern Low Countries against Philip II,King of Spain.
  • 1571

    Birth of Johannes Kepler (d.1630).Defeat of the Turks in the naval battle of Lepanto.
  • 1575

    The Foundation of the University of Leyden.
  • 1520

    The year Cortez conquered Mexico.
  • 1572

    New star (nova stella, or nova) in Cassiopeia, fully des- cribed by Tycho Brahe (hence "Tycho's star"). This was, in fact, a supernova. St. Bartholomew's Day massacre, in which thousands of French Protestants (Huguenots) were killed on the order.
  • 1582

    Pope Gregory XIII institutes the Gregorian Calendar.
  • 1589

    Henry of Navarre (1553-1610) becomes the first Bourbon king, Henry IV, of France.
  • 1609

    Kepler publishes The New Astromomy, in which he introduces elliptical astronomy.
  • 1577

    Comet of 1577, fully described by Tycho Brahe.
  • 1588

    Spanish Armada defeated by the weather and the English fleet.
  • 1597

    Johannes Kepler publishes Cosmographic Mystery.
  • 1598

    Edict of Nantes, under which Protestants in France are allowed to practice their religion in peace.
  • 1603

    Elizabeth I, Queen of England, dies, and with her the Tudor line. Her successor is James I of the House of Stuart, who ruled until 1625.
  • 1600

    Giordano Bruno burned at the stake in Rome.William Gilbert (1540-1603) publishes On the Magnet.
  • 1694

    Founding of the Bank of England.
  • 1702

    Death of William III of Orange, King of England and
    stadholder of the Netherlands.
    Beginning of the reign of Queen Anne in England.
  • 1689

    Beginning of the rule of William and Mary in England.
  • 1665

    First issue of Philosophical Transactions published by Henry Oldenburg, secretary of the Royal Society. Robert Hooke (1635-1703) publishes Micrographia.
  • 1666

    Foundation of the Académie Royale des Sciences by Louis XIV.