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14.4 Timeline

  • Groups National Congress, or Congress Party forms

    Groups National Congress, or Congress Party forms
    Two groups formed to rid India of foreign rule: the primarily Hindu Indian National Congress, or Congress Party
  • Muslim League is formed

    Muslim League is formed
    Though deep divisions existed between Hindus and Muslims, they found common ground. They shared the heritage of British rule and an understanding of democratic ideals. These two groups both worked toward the goal of independence from the British.
  • Hindu people join Britain in WW1

    Hindu people join Britain in WW1
    A million Indians enlisted in the British army. In return for their service, the British government promised reforms that would eventually lead to self-government.
  • Indian troops return to India

    Indian troops return to India
    In 1918, Indian troops returned home from the war. They expected Britain to fulfill its promise. Instead, they were once again treated as second-class citizens.
  • Rowlatt Act is created

    Rowlatt Act is created
    the British passed the Rowlatt Acts. These laws allowed the government to jail protesters without trial for as long as two years. To Western-educated Indians, denial of a trial by jury violated their individual rights.
  • Amritsar Massacre

    Amritsar Massacre
    To protest the Rowlatt Acts, around 10,000 Hindus and Muslims flocked to Amritsar, a major city in the Punjab, in the spring of 1919. At a huge festival in an enclosed square, they intended to fast and pray and to listen to political speeches. A small group of nationalists were also on the scene. The demonstration, especially the alliance of Hindus and Muslims, alarmed the British. Right after that night, millions of loyal hindus turned into extreme nationalistst.
  • Turkey Becomes a Republic

    Turkey Becomes a Republic
    At the end of World War I, the Ottoman Empire was forced to give up all its territories except Turkey. Turkish lands included the old Turkish home- land of Anatolia and a small strip of land around Istanbul.In 1919, Greek soldiers invaded Turkey and threatened to conquer it. The Turkish sultan was powerless to stop the Greeks. However, in 1922, a brilliant commander, Mustafa Kemal, successfully led Turkish nationalists in fighting back the Greeks and their British backers. After winn
  • Salt March

    Salt March
    Under the leadership of Gandhiji, the Civil Disobedience Movement was launched in AD 1930. It began with the Dandi March. On 12 March 1930, Gandiji with some of his followers left the Sabarmati Ashram at Ahmedabad and made their way towards Dandi, a village on the west coast of India. After travelling for twenty-five days and covering a distance of three hundred and eighty-five kms, the group reached Dandi on 6 April 1930. Here, Gandhiji protested against the Salt Law (salt was a monopoly of the
  • Persia Becomes Iran

    Persia Becomes Iran
    n 1921, a Persian army officer seized power. In 1925 he deposed the ruling shah.Persia’s new leader, Reza Shah Pahlavi, like Kemal in Turkey, set out to modernize his country. He established public schools, built roads and rail- roads, promoted industrial growth, and extended women’s rights.
  • Britain Grants Limited Self-Rule

    Gandhi and his followers gradually reaped the rewards of their civil disobedience campaigns and gained greater political power for the Indian people. In 1935, the British Parliament passed the Government of India Act. It provided local self-government and limited democratic elections, but not total independence.