History of Technology

By Juan L.
  • Christiaan Huygens

    Christiaan Huygens
    Christiaan Huygens concieves the internal combustion engine, but never actually builds one.
  • Period: to

    History of Technology

  • Gottfried Leibnez

    Gottfried Leibnez
    Gottfried Leibnez pioneers the binary number system now used in virtually all computers
  • John Harrison

    John Harrison
    John Harrison develops reliabe chronometers (seafaring clocks) that allows sailors to measure longitude accurately for the first time.
  • Alessandro

    Italian Alessandro makes the first battery.
  • Michael Farady

    Michael Farady
    Michael Faraday builds primitive electric generators.
  • Charles Wheaton & William Cooke

    Charles Wheaton & William Cooke
    Charles Wheatstone and william Cooke, in England,Samuel Morse, and in the United States develope the electrict elegraph.
    (a for runner of a telephone)
  • Hermon Hollerith

    Hermon Hollerith
    Chief special agent to the census bureau instructor in mechanical engineering at massachussets institute of technology
    (Electronic tabulating device)
  • William S. Burroughs

    William S. Burroughs
    Was a bank clerk, and he was troubled by the long hours he spent pouring over bank legers in search of errors
    (calculator and printer)
  • Wilbur and Orville Wright

    Wilbur and Orville Wright
    Brother Wilbur and Orville Wright built the first engine-powered airplane.
  • Peter Goldmark

    Peter Goldmark
    Peter Goldmark builds the first color television.
  • Enrico Fermi

    Enrico Fermi
    Enrico Fermi builds the first nuclear chain reactor at theUniversty of Chicago.
  • J. Presper Eckert & John William Mauchly

    J. Presper Eckert & John William Mauchly
    First computer was built under classified condition, Welded to support te US military ambitions.
  • Stanford Ovshinksy

    Stanford Ovshinksy
    Stanford Ovinshinksy develops various technologies that make renewable energy more practical, solar cells and improved rechargeable batteries.
  • Drs. John Bardeen &Walter Brattain

    Drs. John Bardeen &Walter Brattain
    Well respected in the field of theoratcical physics, created the trnsistor 14 years after the innitial meeting in princetown.
    (point contact transistor)
  • Apple

    Apple releases it's touchscreen tablet computer, the iPad.