Doctors without Borders

By jaydog
  • MSF Founded

    DWB (MSF) was founded by French doctors and journalist.
  • MSF Movement Expands

    The MSF movement began to expand to help more people.
  • MSF moves to the US

    MSF-USA is founded
  • MSF Movement Grows

    The movement of MSF grows to even larger numbers.
  • MSF Recieved Noble Peace Prize

  • Darfur

    MSF goes in to Darfur
  • donors and funders

    MSF now has over 3 million people who fund and donate to the organization
  • Opened 2 projects

    MSF opens two more projects in Golo and Killin
  • Darfur: MSF Forced to Leave

    forced to leave during the Midst of a Meningitis Epidemic.