The Modern Wing

By djg208
  • Architect Renzo Piano selected to design the Modern Wing.

    Architect Renzo Piano selected to design the Modern Wing.
  • Breaking ground.

    Renzo Piano Building Workshop begins construction on the 264,000-square-foot addition to the Art Institute.
  • Master plans for the Modern Wing revealed.

    Master plans for the Modern Wing revealed.
  • Donors christen the building as the "Modern Wing."

  • Grant from the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation awarded.

    The Art Institute received this grant in January, in order to "incorporate cutting-edge 'green' technologies" into the Modern Wing.
  • Construction on Nichols Bridgeway begins.

    Construction on Nichols Bridgeway begins.
    The 620-foot-long foot bridge links Millenium park with the 3rd floor of the Modern Wing.
  • "Flying carpet" roof installation begins.

    "Flying carpet" roof installation begins.
    Construction of the landmark feature begins in October and ends in December.
  • The Modern Wing is fully enclosed.

    The Modern Wing is fully enclosed.
  • Modern Wing makes Chicago the 14th hottest destination in 2009.

    Modern Wing makes Chicago the 14th hottest destination in 2009.
    According to the New York Times' travel section.
  • The Modern Wing is fully enclosed.

    The Modern Wing is fully enclosed.
  • Print and Drawing Club pre-opening gala.

  • Modern Wing Opening: The Young Modern Party.

  • The Modern Wing opens to the public.

    The Modern Wing opens to the public.