Period: to
A Midwife's Year
A Summary of the Year 1785 in Martha's Own Words: "Children I have been Calld to ye Birth of thee year past: 28. Seventean of ym were Daughters. Novemr 14 Receivd of Danl Bolton in part, one Dollar for going to his wife Sundry times last sumer & Extracting a Dafter &C, &C. -:6:- I have Lost 42 nights Sleep ye year pas" -
Birth, Tolman
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"was unwell in ye forenn. [ ] Dind here. I was calld at 11 oclok to mr Tolmans, a fatagueing Ride; accompanied by [ ] Tolman to the Fort,from thence by Asa Williams. found mrs Tolman Delivd of a fine son, but before I left, put her to Bed Safely " -
Martha's Birthday, 50 yrs.
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"Sund. a fine Day, my Birth Day; fifty [years] old. was at Tilars, Mrs Tilar unwell." -
Birth, Floid
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"Mr Benmn Branard Conducted me from Tilars To mr Floids. I put mrs Fld to Bed with a Dafter at 9 oClok Eveng. fee Recivd." -
Birth, Boltons
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"Clear. Presct to Breakfast here. I was Calld to Savage Boltons, Put his wife to Bed with a Dafter at 5h aftern. Came home at Eving. mrs Williams & mrs Foster have bin here. James Cowan & Biah Town tarrie here ys Night." -
Death, Grandson John Town
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"Enformd of ye Death of our Grand Son John Town, who Last thursday morn Drank So much spirit that Causd his Death which hapend yester Day at 8 in the morn. On my return from mr Edsons, mrs Weston Cald me in, Nathan Being Sick." -
Death, Brown (4yrs)
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"Clear. mrs Forbes here to Bake. Peggy & Babe with hr. I attended Funeral of Benn Browns Daftr, Nabby, who Deceast 19th inst, being 4 years & 1 Day old. mr Bald met Select Gentm at Isaac Clearks." -
Birth, Tylars
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"James Moore Came to Conduct me to Nathn Tylars. I arivd about Sun sett. put mrs Tylar to Bed with a Son at 8 [oc] in Eving. I tarrd all night." -
Death, Mrs. Davis
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"Clear. Theophelus Hamlin arivd here from oxford, by whom we Recd a Letter fm Br Collins moore which Enforms of ye Death of Ebinz Davis's wife." -
Death, Mrs. Lamb (childbirth, infant died also)
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"Capt Lambs wife of Charltn, Solon Cooks & Ebnz Davis Junrs wives Died in Child Bed; Infants Deceast also." -
Death, Mrs. Davis Jrs. (childbirth, infant died also(
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"Capt Lambs wife of Charltn, Solon Cooks & Ebnz Davis Junrs wives Died in Child Bed; Infants Deceast also." -
Birth, Wellmans
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"Calld about Day to go to mr Wellmans. Ephm Cowen went with us as far as ye plain beyond Esqr Howards Bridge, where we mett a mesage Enforming ye woman was got Safe to Bed. turnd about & Returnd home. I had two falls; one on my way there, ye other on my Return." -
Death, Eben Taylor
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"Clear & warm part of ye Day; raind after noon. Jono & Cowan Gone to attend funeral of Ebenz Taylor who departed this life yesterday. I was at home ys day" -
Brith, Edson Twins
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"At 4 & 20 in morn, mrs Edson was Deliverd of a Son which waid 7 1/2 lb and at 6 & 5 minnits of another Son which wd 8 3/4 lb. Left her at about 10, mr Ballard Coming there at that time." -
Birth, Allins
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"Clear. Mrs Allin Deliverd of a Dafter at 4 this morn. I returnd home at 11 O Clock. Receivd 6 Shillings of Woodward Allin in part for fee & medicin which Shee had of me. I took a knap of Sleep ys afternoon. mr Woodward here. mr forbes made a prest of a Calfs head. Jono Returnd from Towns." -
Death, Mrs. Wiman
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"Clear & plest. mr Pollard, Isaac Savage & Polly here. Enformd yt Jono Wimans wife Deceasd Last Eving." -
Death, Ltn. Howard
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"Clear & Cool for April. I was unwell, had taken Cold which Causd a pain in my Neck and Sholder. Colo Howard, mr Brooks & Doct Colman here. Enformd of ye Death of Leutt Howard who Departed this Life yesterday." -
Birth, Blakes
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"I was Calld at 2 O Clock in ye Morn to go to thee hook to Mrs Blake in travil. went Winthrop road about 4 miles, from that to Blakes near four miles. arivd before the Sun rose, found mrs Blake Deliverd of a Son By the help of Peter Clearks wife. receivd 4 Shilling for my trouble." -
Birth, Elliss
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"Clear Except a sprinkling of rain before noone. I was Cald to mr Ellises at 1 O Clock aftern, his wife in travil. Shee was Deliverd of a Son at 1 O Clock ye next morn. I tarried all night. Came to Danniel Boltons [ ] in morn." -
Birth, Williams
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"I Came home from mr Boltons Early, had not Set Down before Asa Williams Came for me to go to his wife. I went as far as Crages, Crost ye river & went on hors back in great hast. found her Safely Delivrd by Old mrs Ingerham. Mr Wilms gave me 10S. I returnd home at 12 O Clock." -
Birth, Boltons
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"I was Calld in haste to Danniel Boltons, his wife being in Travil. Shee was Safely Deliverd at about twelve O Clok of a fine Dafter. I left her very Comfortable & Returned home before Sun Sett. fee not paid. it rains tonight. I finishd my 4th pair of Toe hoes." -
Birth, Farwells
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"I was Calld at two O Clok in morn to go to Bunker Farwells; got there at Sun rise. I put mrs Farwells to bed at 2 in ye afternoon; returnd home at Eleven Eveng. had a fit of ye cramp & fainting also. Dolly got up & brought ye Lavender which revivd me much. mr Farwell Gave me 7s:4d for my performance." -
Death, old Mr. Thorn
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"Clear. I attended funeral of old mr Thorn. Capt Fillbrook made a prayer on the ocasion. The Corps were Carried by water to [ ] & there interd. I returnd from grave with Esq. Pettee & mrs Craggin. Leut Browns Lady went to Son Towns." -
Birth, Towns
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"Clear, hotte morn & very hott Day. Daugt Town unwell all Day. Calld her woming together about two O Clok aftern; was Safely Deliverd of a Dafter at 7 O Clok, but Somewhat weak. I Set up with her all night. mrs Straten Tarid, Slept with Betsy." -
Birth, Williams
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"Was Enformd yt mrs williams was Delivd Last friday of two Sons, one of which Expird soon." -
Birth, Churches
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"Calld to mr Churches about Day, She being in travil. was Deliverd about 5/O Clock P.M. of a Dafter, ye operation performd by mrs Winslow." -
Birth, Clarks
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"Drank Tea yr. James Moore Calld me from there to go to Simmion Clarks wife, Shee being in travil. was Safely Deld of a Dafter at 11 / OClock Eving. I tard all night, mrs Peter Clerk also. I have recievd 6/ & there is 2/ Due." -
Birth, Hodges
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"mrs Hodges was Safely Delivrd of a Dafter at 6/O Clock ys morn. I returnd home at Ten, Left her Comfortable." -
Birth, Chamberlins
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"I was at Chamberlins all day. Shee was deliverd at six O/Clok aftern of a Dafter. I left there about ten & came home Some fatagud." -
Death, Mr. Weeks
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"I was at Chamlns & Fosters. Thunder & rain at Night. Alvin Weeks Departed this Life in ye night." -
Birth, Leighton
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"I was Calld To mr Leightons, his wife being in Travil. Left home at ten foren, arivd there at two aft. found her Safely Delivd of a Son, the opperation performd by Solo Leightons wife" -
Birth, Dexters
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"Eph Town Came here about Day for me to go to mr Dexters. we Left here at 7/O Clock, arivd at Dexters at 1 aftern; found his wife very ill. I removd thee obstruction and Deliverd her Safe of a fine Dafter about ye middle of ye night. it Stormd Severely as I was on my journey." -
Death, Mrs. Howards
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"I Left home about three O Clock PM, went as far as Daviss Store. was Calld to Colon Howards to asist Mrs Pollard & Bisby Lay out ye Corps of his wife just now Deceast. his Children yet very Sick. I returnd home a Little after Sun Set." -
Birth, Springers
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"I was Calld at 10 O Clock in ye morn in haste to Capt Jobe Springers wife in travil, who was safe X Delvd Soone after my arival there of a Dafter. Left ym Both Comfortable and X returnd Before night. the Birth at 2 O clock." -
Birth, Westons
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"I was Calld to Mrs Westons at 1 O/Clock in morn, Shee being in Labour; was Delivred of a Son at 7 in ye morn. I returnd home about one aftern. Left ym Comfortable. mr Hopkins & Stanley here. Polly Fletcher Came to nurs mrs Weston." -
Death, Ms. Haward
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"attended funeral of Peggy Haward who Deceast yesterday. Doct Colman unwell. Saml & Jack mending. Polly about hous." -
Birth, Babcocks
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"I was Calld at 5 O Clock ys morn to Henry Babcocks, his wife being in Travil. arivd there about Day Light; found her put to bed, the operation performd By mrs Smith. mrs Babcock I found in Severe pain; her complaints So great & Shee very Desireous I should inquire into ye Cause. I Complyd & found her greatly ingered by some misshap. mrs Smith does not alow yt Shee was Sencibl" -
Birth, Cowens
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"at Cowens Still, Shee unwell yet. Jonas Clearks infant had a fitt; they Calld me to See it. mrs Cowen Calld her women together this Eving. was Safely Delivd of a Dafter about ye middle of ye night & is Comfortable. fee & medisin 10/. May 5, 18001 recd 10/ by his Dagt [bitsy]." -
Death, Fahy Child
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" Hannah Coole here, enforms of ye Death of Fahy & Reubens Moores Child; they were Buried yesterday. I wrote a letter to Brother Collins." -
Death, Moore Child
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" Hannah Coole here, enforms of ye Death of Fahy & Reubens Moores Child; they were Buried yesterday. I wrote a letter to Brother Collins." -
Birth, Browns
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"I was at home till Evng, then Calld to Benn Browns wife, Shee being in Travil & was Delvd Soon after my arival. I returnd home at 1 O Clock. mr Brown gave me 9 and 4 for my Performance." -
Wedding Anniversary
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"I have been at home ys Day. it is the anaversiry of my Marriage and 31 years Since mr Ballard and I were Joind in Wedlock." -
Birth, Beaman
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"I was at home till about Sun Set, then Calld to Mrs Beaman being in Travil & was Safe Delivd of a Dafter about mid night. I tard all night"