Development 1-3

  • Physical Development 1 Year

    -Turns several pages of a book at a time.
    -Picks up small objects with thumb and forefinger.
    -Moves objects from hand to hand.
    -May walk alone or while holding a caregiver's hand
    -Sits down without help
    -Slides down stairs backwards, one step at a time.
  • Self-feeding 1 Year

    -Eat finger foods like bananas.
    -Uses spoon to eat usually.
    -Start using cups like training cups 'Sippy Cups'
    -Avoid hard food, like carrots.
  • Period: to


  • Social Developmental Milestones 1 Year

    -Plays alone but often near others.
    -Dislike sharing toys.
    -Desires approval.
    -Fears some strangers.
  • Piaget's Four Periods of Learning 1-2 Years

    Sensorimotor- Children learn through their senses and own actions.
  • Intellectual Developmental Milestones 1 Year

    -Begins to put two words together.
    -Names common objects and people.
    -Understands 'no/ but ignores.
    -Finds hidden objects.
  • Physical Development 18 Months

    -Stacks from two to four blocks.
    -Grasps crayons with a fist and scribbles.
    -Walks well.
    -Jumps in place.
    -Climbs up or down one stair.
    Pull toys with wheels.
  • Emotional Development 18 Months

    -Children become Self-Centered.
    -Not surprising because during infancy caregivers normally promptly meet the child's need and desires.
    -At this age, a child's favorite word is 'No.' This negative word allows the child to feel in control over his or her own world.
    -Give choices, not allow them to pick.
    -Distract the child's attention from the issue that is causing the negative response.
  • Social Patterns 18 Months

    -They begin developing some independence from the family unit.
    -They need to learn about the outside world, trips to the park or other opportunities to be with other children and adults that aren't in the family.
    -They don't really interact with with one another.
    -Toddlers often seem to treat other people more as objects then as humans.
    -Children at this age understand their actions have consequences for others.
  • Physical Development 2 Years

    -Stacks six blocks.
    -Turns one page of a book at a time.
    -Picks up objects from floor without losing balance.
    -Walks with more coordination and confidence.
    -Jumps off the bottom step.
    -Pushes self on wheeled toys.
  • Self-feeding 2 Years

    -Children this age can usually feed themselves.
    -Learn to use a fork, but often takes a long time to eat.
    -Should eat with the rest of the family.
  • Emotional Development 2 years

    -Two-year-olds also understand more and is able to wait longer for various needs to be met.
    -Though the child still has some emotional outbusters, they are fewer and less instence.
    -Two-year-olds are easier to to reason with.
  • Social Patterns 2 Years

    -Two-year-olds are especially good at understanding and interacting with their with main caregivers
    -They can read the caregivers's moods and judge what behaivor will be accepted.
    -As their speech developments toddlers, are increasingly able to communicate with others.
    -They like to play with others, but usually continue to paralell play.
  • Social Developmental Milestones 2 Years

    -Engages in parallel play.
    -Plays simple games with others.
    -Bosses other children.
    -Says 'please' prompted.
  • Piaget's Four Periods of Learning 2-3+ Years

    Preoperational- Children think in terms of their own activities and what they perceive at the moment.
  • Intellectual Developmental Milestones 2 Years

    -Uses two-to three-word sentence.
    -Knows about 500 words.
    -Follows simple directions.
    -Identifies colors.
  • Physical Development 2 1/2 Years

    -Stacks eight blocks.
    -Screw lids on and off containers.
    -Draws circles and horizontal and vertical lines.
    -Alternates feet going up stairs but not going down.
    -Runs but may not be able to stop smoothly.
    -Throws a ball overhead but inaccurately.
  • Emotional Development 2 1/2 years

    -The child enters a more difficult stage.
    -They aren't easily distracted as 18 months.
    -Their drive for indepence causes children to resist pressures to conform.
    -They're sensetive about being bossed, shown, helped, or directed during this stage.
    -The child may feel over whelmed, and frustration becomes anger.
    -They can be subborn, demanding, and domineering.
    -Their moods change rapidly, and within a short time they can become lovable and completely charming.
    -They are both dependent/independen
  • Social Patterns 2 1/2 years

    -The negativism carries over to a child's social relationships too.
    -Children at this age may refuse to do anything at all for one person, while happily doing something for a different person.
    -They begin to respone to the idea of fairness, although at first they are more concerned with what's fair to them.
    -Social play is still parallel and works best with just to children.
    -There are frequent, but brief, squabbles during play but they forget quickly.
  • Physical Development 3 Years

    -Stocks nine or ten blocks.
    -Cuts with scissors.
    -Draws recognizable pictures.
    -Jumps up and down in place with both feet.
    -Catches a ball with arms straight.
    -Rides a tricycle.
  • Self-feeding 3 Years

    -At this age are quite skillful using a spoon and a fork.
    -They have a full set of teeth, so chewing food isn't a problem.
    -Meats and other tough food should be cut into pieces.
  • Emotional Development 3 Years

    -They have a better dispositions than two-year-olds.
    -More cooperative and are learning to be considerate.
    -More willing to take directions from others.
    -They will modify their behavior in order to win praise and affection.
    -At this age they like to talk, with their toys, playmates, themselves, and even imaginary friends.
  • Social Developmental Milestones 3 Years

    -Takes part in brief group activities (cooperative play).
    -Takes turns
    -Likes to help.
    -Shows affection.
  • Intellectual Developmental Milestones 3 years

    -Uses longer sentences.
    -Knows about 900 words.
    -Follows two-part directions.
    -Sorts by color and chape.
  • Social Patterns 3 Years

    -Children will share, help, or do things another person's way just to please someone.
    -They begin cooperative play, actually playing with one another.
    -They'll work together in small groups and build blocks, act out dolls, play house, or fit puzzles together.
    -The parent's/caregivers are important but no longer all-powerful in the child's social lives.
    -Most kids at this age seek friends on their own.