Mar 4, 1304
Francesco Petrarch's birth/death
Born 1304, great Renaissance writer. He was also a humanist who was a scholar and a teacher. Best work of poetry about women became known as some of the greatest love poems in literature. Deied in 1374. -
Mar 4, 1452
Leonardo da Vinci
Born 1452 died 1564. Known for his many talants in art. Most famous paintings are the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. -
Mar 4, 1466
Desiderius Erasmus
Dutch scholar who was also a humanist. One famous book of his was The Praise of the Folly, witch ridiculed ignorance, superstition, and vice among Christians. He criticized fasting pilgrimages to religious shrines, and even the church's interpretation of the Bible. -
Mar 4, 1471
Albrecht Durer
A German artist who was famous for his engravings and woodcuts. Stidied in Germany and Venice and studied the clasic humanism. Became one of the first artists to see the possibilities of printed illustrations in books -
Mar 4, 1475
Born 1475 died 1520. Renassance master.painted the sistine chapel celing.In addition to his talents in art he was a poet. He helped to design St.Peter's Basilica in Rome. -
Mar 4, 1483
Was very popular in Florance, so popular that the pope ired to help beautify the Vatican.He painted frescoes in the papal chambers. Also known for madonas and paintings of the Virgin Marry. -
Mar 4, 1488
He spent most of his life in Venice. One of his famous works was The Assumption of the Virgin, witch was known for their sense of drama and rich colors.One of the firs painters to become wealthy from his work. -
Mar 4, 1513
Niccolo Machiavelle
He was the author of the bookThe Prince in 1513. Which was to describe government not in terms of lofty ideals, but in the way it actually worked.Some today refer to it as "Machiavellian" -
Mar 4, 1516
Thomas More
An English humanist. In 1516 he published his book Utopia, it talked about condemned governments as corupt and argued that private ownership of property causes unecessary conflicts betweeen people. The utopia has come to mean "an ideal place or society." -
Mar 4, 1528
The Bookof the Courtier
Probably the most famous book of the Renaissance. The author of this book was Baldassare Castiglione. Uses real people in fictional conversations to explainhow gentlemen and gentlewomen should act in polite society.