11th Dynasty

  • Period: 1571 BCE to 1566 BCE

    Intef I (Mentuhotep I)

    Intef I, possibly to be identified with Mentuhotep I, ruled northern Egypt for 5 years, from 1571 to 1566 B.C.
  • Period: 1566 BCE to 1517 BCE

    Intef II

    Intef II, the second pharaoh of the 11th Dynasty, ruled from 1566 to 1517 B.C.
  • Period: 1517 BCE to 1509 BCE

    Intef III

    Intef III, the third pharaoh of the 11th Dynasty, ruled from 1517 to 1509 B.C.
  • Period: 1509 BCE to 1458 BCE

    Mentuhotep II

    Mentuhotep, the fourth pharaoh of the 11th Dynasty, defeated the evil Heracleopolitan Dynasty in the south and united Upper and Lower Egypt again. He had a long reign of 51 years, from 1509 to 1458 B.C.
  • 1481 BCE

    Heracleopolitan Dynasty Defeated

    Mentuhotep II defeated the Heracleopolitan Dynasty in teh south and united Upper and Lower Egypt in 1481 B.C.
  • Period: 1458 BCE to 1446 BCE

    Mentuhotep III

    Mentuhotep III, the fifth pharaoh of the 11th Dynasty, was the pharaoh of the Exodus. This is the reason that Egypt goes from the united kingdom of Mentuhotep II to the crumbling nation of the 13th and 14th Dynasties. Mentuhotep reigned from 1458 to the Exodus in 1446 B.C.
  • 1446 BCE

    The Exodus

    In 1446 B.C., the Hebrew slaves of Egypt left in a catastrophic event known as teh Exodus.
  • 1446 BCE

    Ten Plagues

    Ten plagues caused by God himself ravaged Egypt, transforming it from a fantastic united kingdom to a crumbling nation literally overnight, in 1446 B.C.